Trying to read more, any recommendations?

2020-01-11 11:23 am
So Im 20 and never really enjoyed reading for fun or anything like that, but recently learned the importance of expanding your mind. So, any recommendations for a really good book?

回答 (10)

2020-01-11 3:53 pm
If you were to say "I'm hungry. What should I eat?", you'd likely get recommendations ranging from a bowl of cereal to Chicken Parmigiana to corned beef on rye to curry. Without knowing anything about your tastes, it would be impossible to suggest something that would be perfect for you. 

You're posting this question to a forum where the wide majority of the responses come from people who read a great deal. Is it going to benefit you to receive widely varying suggestions that range from classics to fantasy, horror to non-fiction, romance to sci-fi? Of course not. 

I could furnish you with a list of one thousand good books, but how many would you actually enjoy? 

If you care to edit and update the details of your question, you'd put yourself in a position to receive more helpful answers, but if you're looking for a short list of books, then off the top of my head I'd list:

"Journey to the End of the Night" by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

"Restless" by William Boyd

The collected short stories of Ray Bradbury

Anything by Bill Bryson

"Ham on Rye" by Charles Bukowski

"Pecked to Death by Ducks" by Tim Cahill

The collected works of Emil Cioran

The collected short stories of Roald Dahl

"The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett

"The Beach" by Alex Garland

"Brighton Rock" by Graham Greene

"Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches" by Marvin Harris 

"The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway

The collected short stories of O. Henry

"The Shadow of the Sun" by Ryszard Kapuściński

"Motherless Brooklyn" by Jonathan Lethem

"His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman

"Tough, Tough Toys for Tough, Tough Boys" by Will Self

"Trinity" by Leon Uris

"Welcome to the Monkey House" by Kurt Vonnegut 

Those ought to get you started. 
2020-01-11 11:37 am
The culture of critique - Kevin MacDonald. 
2020-01-12 8:15 am
You can start with books with fewer words, like poetry books. Here’s a few I like:
Finding Identity by Silenus 
Peace and Other Radical Ideas by Sasha Temerte
Of Yesteryear by Lauren Eden
2020-01-12 6:41 am
Depends on your preferred genre. If it's reality fiction (no fantasy or magic) try Dangerous Days and its sequel Blades both by J. William Turner. Set mostly in Australia, with chapters in England and California, the main characters are teens who mind themselves in several life-threatening situations. 
2020-01-11 12:51 pm
A few pieces of fiction that rattle along with out much effort to get you into the practice of reading:

Neuromancer (William Gibson)  Now considered a sci-fi classic.  Please note that he wrote it on a typewriter in the 80s imagining what the internet might be before it was on most people's radar.

The City and the City (China Mieville) Part police procedural, part sci-fi.  It's very cinematic. 

Under the Frog (Tibor Fischer) The main character is a young man who just wants to play basketball and get laid but the Cold War keeps getting in the way.

The Quiet American (Graham Greene) About the period preceding the Vietnam War when it was still a French problem just as the Americans are starting to blindly blunder without understanding the factions.

For a mind limbering exercise may I recommend "Exercises in Style" by Raymond Queneau?  It's a really simple book retelling exactly the same event in 99 different ways.  It's not really meant to be read in one sitting but is a great reminder that solutions often present themselves by reframing what happened.

A book I would give to every high school student on earth which is never to late to read: "The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements" (Eric Hoffer).  He was a self-taught dock worker and a man of his time so take his opinion of women where it crops up with a pinch of salt, but what he has to say about the "true believers" of any cause of any political flavour is as thought provoking now as it was in the 50s when he started jotting down his thoughts.  It's more than a bit repetitive so is best dipped in and out of rather than read in a single sitting.

I thought I'd better add something purely informative too, so why not "Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration" (Felipe Fernández-Armesto)?  He's very opinionated about certain explorers and not everyone will agree with his opinions but there's no other recentish book with such a broad sweep of history, plus there are lots of maps.  Interesting stuff.
2020-01-11 12:32 pm
Reading for fun with some well-researched contemporary info:
Code of Conduct by Brad Thor; one of a well-written series;
In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson; humorous non-fiction about his vacation in Oz (Australia);
The Code of the Woosters by P. G. Wodehouse; light humorous fiction;

How to do things better books:
101 Things All Young Adults Should Know by Sir John Hawkins;
Worthless:  The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major;
Youth:  Creators of the Future;
The Quarter-Life Breakthrough;
For Couples Only by Shaunti Feldhahn;

Expanding one's awareness:
The Slightest Philosophy by Quee Nelson;
Philosophy for Dummies by Tom Morris (a good book, regardless of title);
Understanding Yourself by Mark Prophet;
Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda;
Beams from Meher Baba by Meher Baba;
The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis.
2020-01-11 11:24 am
12 rules for life is a good book.
2020-01-13 10:09 am
The Bible
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Seven Habits of highly Effective People
Quo Vadis
The Screw Tape letters
2020-01-11 12:16 pm
what are you looking for? fantasy, fiction, non-fiction, romance, science, history, morals? The books that I have been Reading are the Divergent series by Veronica Roth and the warrior cats by Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui T. Sutherland.

you should try your hand at musicals too, Alexander Hamilton is based on history there is just audio and a drawn one on youtube you should check it out.
2020-01-12 1:36 pm
Herman Hesse The Glass Bead Game, The Brothers Karamazov War and Peace, The Disappearance The Plague, The Castle, ,

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