英文out of 意思是什麼?!?

2020-01-11 10:23 am
英文out of 意思是什麼?! 謝謝

回答 (5)

2020-01-13 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.從裡面向外:Two bears came "out of" the forest.
2.從某數當中:nine cases "out of" ten (十之八九)
3.在範圍之外:Tom was already "out of" hearing.
4.離開:"out of" date(過時的)
5.沒有:We are "out of" coffee.
6.用某種材料:What did you made it "out of?"
7.由於:We acted "out of" necessary.
8.來源:...come "out of" a poor family.
9.結果為失去:... cheat a person "out of" money.
I helped her "out of" her clothes. (幫她脫衣服)

out of是「片語介系詞」會搭配其它的字而產生意義的多種變化。
2020-01-11 1:06 pm
out---adverb particle(For special uses in combination with verb=the verb entries--eg:-go out;
run out;
walk out;
take somebody out;
find one's way out;
throw something out;
out of---preposition with the n and v entries for special uses---eg:-
out of date;
out of the way;
(of place)--Fish cannot live out of water.
Mr Korea is out of town to vote !
He is not found out of (未出遠門=is found only in Kaohusang) a political county in S.TW.
(of movement)---He walked triumphant out of the polling station.
He jumped out of his tank.
He pulled the Buddha out of the platform.
(indicating motive or cause)---It was voted out of spite TW.
He helped us out of pity.
She asked only out of curiosity.
(from among)---Kindly choose one out of these three.
It happens in one case out of three.
This is only one case out of the three.
(by the use of: from:---The temple is made out of old planks for visitors.
She made a vow out of sincerity.
Can good ever come out of evil-doing ?
(with-out:) ---out of breath--breathless;
out of work---unemployed 失業
out of patience;
(born) out of wedlock--of unmarried parents.  out of petrol---Drivers were out of petrol 欠缺汽油.
They have no petrol left.
The voting is out of paper-forms.
There are no form-copies left in the station
(indicating condition)---out of fashion---Old men were wearing out of fashion;
out of control=out of order--in the polling stations.
out of danger yet in the long queue.
(The noun entries)( indicating origin or source):---a rioting scene out of a station
drink out of a bottle;
steps cut out of the temple rock.
paid for out of the public money;
congregation voting out of the same participant.
(indicating result):---talk Tsai out of broadcasting something with the result that she does not do it ?!
To cheat somebody out of her position=(colloquial)=be done(=cheated) out of position
=frighten somebody out of her wits.
2020-01-11 11:48 am
基本上應該是指 後面的名詞 不足、短缺


out of gas   (汽油不足)
out of cash (現金不足)
out of mana(魔力不足)

也可以簡單的解釋為  不存在xxx的狀態 


例如  out of town  -->  town是城鎮,可解釋為居住地。意思是出遠門了
         out of work  -->  work是工作,意思是失業中
2020-01-19 9:11 pm
out of 因該是(在....之外)
2020-01-11 12:52 pm

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