What gods did people worship before the Jewish god was invented?

2020-01-09 4:14 am

回答 (21)

2020-01-09 4:19 am
The oldest deity known to archaeologists and anthropologists is the Great Mother. Some people have speculated that she was worshipped during a time before humans had made the mental connection between sex and reproduction, and men thought that women simply gave life to new people.
2020-01-09 4:16 am
CHRISTIAN GOD AND JEWISH GOD ARE THE SAME BEING THE MOST HIGH....HE HAD NO BEGINNING...no invention....the fake ones are allah, shinto etc.
2020-01-09 4:19 am
In the same area of the world so that it would influence Judaism and the religions following it? Wikipedia has a decent article that mostly serves as links to the various pantheons. And another about the origin of Judaism specifically.

The long and short of it is that Yahweh has his origins on the Canaanite deity, El.
2020-01-09 4:42 am
Every culture has developed religious practices, the Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, Romans (before Christianity spread), even the native peoples of the Americas all had religious beliefs, deities they worshiped, and rituals they practiced. There were thousands of gods worshiped prior to the Judeo-Christian god.  
2020-01-09 4:25 am
Idols and nature.
2020-01-09 4:23 am
Supposedly, Abraham's father made his living carving idols, so that would be the immediately-previous answer. However, it is likely that the first gods were invented by people personifying forces of nature, such as lightning.
2020-01-09 5:37 am
They worshipped and worshiped you, the gods, of your demons, but even if you do not worship them, but you serve them with evil, they will prepare a nice place for you in hell, after God has executed you.
2020-01-09 5:00 am
Different cultures around the world worshiped the deities as symbols of nature and emotion before the Israelites conflated El and Yahweh.
2020-01-09 4:39 am
It was not an invention but rather a revelation  of the Self existing One. One who is the same today and forever.
Perhaps in those days they may have worshiped Science just as some humans do today and denying the Existence of our Creators.
In the Jewish confession of faith God is portrayed as a Compound Unity.
2020-01-09 5:53 am
Depends on the culture.
Many cultures worshiped different gods: of the harvest, of the sun and moon, of strength and art and food, of trees and rivers and the ocean, of the dead, of babies and mothers.
2020-01-09 8:45 am
A plethora of other gods and goddesses. Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians, etc, had their own deities they worshipped
2020-01-09 4:39 am
The Jewish god is relatively young when compared with how long humanity has practiced worship throughout history. 

Prior to organised religion, civilisations across the world worshipped animals. There are carvings in a French cave, which date back to the ice age, depicting a horse with the torso and head of a man. 

The ancient Egyptians worshipped gods that were part human and part animal, which basically carried on a tradition of animal worship dating back to the Neolithic. 

The same practice of worship can be found in Syria, Israel, Turkey, Russia and all across Europe and Asia.

Even Yahweh, Elohim, and Chemosh, gods of the Canaanites were depicted as part man, part bull.

Dagon, another Canaanite god, was part man part fish. 

Religion became a means of controlling the masses by those in power. Instead of resembling animals, gods appeared more regal, like kings and queens basically. 
2020-01-09 4:27 am
Prove that premise. Also naturalism is a joke
2020-01-09 4:25 am
When did you invent peppermint ice cream?
2020-01-09 4:16 am
YHWH began...at the beginning.
But mostly, people worshipped anything else but G-d.
2020-01-10 12:25 am
Hope he is on here to see this question and get a good laugh because in reality he might be older than that.   Someone said he was seen a room with a view that few know of.  LOL  The bible says God saw the making of some before they were embryos.  You will figure it out. God even saw how some personalities will turn out. God knew Eausa was not going to be as nice as Jacob.  Maybe the mom said there is going to be a problem when they were fighting in the womb and God was listening because Moms are really smart. NEVER PISS Mom off because there are repercussions that cannot be helped. 
2020-01-09 1:30 pm
God of abraham isaac n jacob.
2020-01-09 6:58 am
I think originally ancestor worship.
2020-01-09 5:44 am
The Uncaused God.

Or even were they created out of nothing? Or even are they the creators? (Quran 52/35)
2020-01-09 5:06 am
In the beginning, the world had 4 Ved and Hinduism as the Sanatan Dharm or eternal way of life.
The ved declared Brahman as the supreme and AUM as the name of God

However later trouble began, when:
1) when a few people decided to become JUDA (separate) by NOT worshipping BRAHMAN of the Hindu/Vedic people. There were the first Jews.
2) Hence they were called "A-BRAHMAN (meaning without Brahman).
3) Then they invented a father figure from this title, naming him “ABRAHAM"
4) This non-existent Abraham became an imaginary father of all religions named after him
5) All harry potter story religions have sprung from this non-existent Abraham.

The world today consists of religions that do not deny Brahman (Vedic religion: Hinduism and its subsets such as Buddhism/Jainism/Sikhism, etc.)
Abrahamic religions such as Jewism/Christianity/Islam, which deny Brahman.
2020-01-09 4:58 am
I doubt that anyone that far back in time attributed 
life and natural occurrences to any kind of a being. 

They probably stood in fear, awe, and wonder 
of everything that they could not explain, and they 
may have pondered what had taken place, but it would 
be more logical to believe that their attention span was 
affected by too many other things. 

To get back to their more simple life at hand, was god.

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