I am not sure if I'm gonna wait before marriage but NEVER want an abortion?

2020-01-07 11:42 pm
I am 17 female would describe myself as moderately conservative on most issues (although I am not religious at the moment and believe in same-sex marriage), I believe abortion is completely wrong and unjustified and never want to get one. I don't think I could ever forgive myself. I know that birth control is never 100% effective but I still feel like I want to have sex. If I take hormonal birth control, have my partner wear a condom, and then take Plan B, should I be ok? 

回答 (14)

2020-01-08 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are really going to take PlanB EVERY time you have sex?  That will not only break the bank, but mess up your hormones.

A hormonal IUD or the implant are near 100% effective, with no room for user error.  Add condoms, and it's as close to zero as anything can be.

And there is always adoption if you manage to win the birth control lottery.
2020-01-08 1:32 am
Honey, sex is not abortions, birth control, condoms & Plan B. Sex is about love, sharing a moment, passion and love. You are clearly not ready for sex.

Ever hearing the song - (names) sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G, first comes love, then comes marriage then comes (name) with a baby carriage.

There is a reason it is sung that way.
2020-01-08 4:27 am
If you use any kind of hormonal birth control (the pill, an implant, the shot, some types of IUD's), you will NEVER ovulate, and so you can't ever get pregnant. For example, if you take birth control pills they are 99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy. If you take them correctly, you will NOT ovulate.
If you take any kind of hormonal birth control, it's not necessary that your partner wear a condom (for pregnancy prevention). You should NEVER take Plan B if you're using hormonal birth control. The extra hormones in Plan B will mess you up big time.  You don't NEED Plan B - you're on hormonal birth control. Besides, Plan B is NOT intended to be used as birth control and it's not to be used any  more than 2 times in a year. 
2020-01-08 12:49 am

I seriously wish they would make that stuff prescription only. It's not just a magical little pill to pop "just in case" your birth control or condom or whatever doesn't work. It's meant for when you took NO birth control or used NO condom or the condom BROKE. Furthermore, it's not meant for repeated use. Are you only gonna have sex once and then stop until you're ready to get pregnant?

If you take hormonal birth control and use condoms, you should be more than okay. Yes, pregnancy does still happen, but it's extremely rare.

Bottom line, if you're not prepared to deal with even the tiniest chance that you could get pregnant, don't have sex.
2020-01-08 5:56 am
If you take birth control and use a condom, there is zero need for Plan B.  None.
2020-01-08 12:29 am
No, you wouldn't be okay, because if you took Plan B while also taking hormonal BC you'd be flooding your body with too high a dose of artificial hormones, which could put you at risk for serious complications, such as blood clots. Plan B isn't aspirin, it's HORMONES, and not taking hormonal medication exactly as directed can wreak havoc on your health.

Just taking regular BC plus making sure your partners use condoms should be sufficient. There's always a risk of failure, but with both BC and condoms that risk is extremely small. You should also discuss your plans in the event of an unplanned pregnancy *before* having sex with someone. If a bf wouldn't want to take even the smallest risk of becoming a dad before he's ready, he should have the opportunity to say no to allowing the relationship to become sexual.
2020-01-07 11:47 pm
You can believe whatever it is that you like. People that are not in a particular situation, often reverse course. When they suddenly find themselves in a position of desperation. If you stay smart, you should be fine, but things do happen, at time. We are prone to rash decisions and the older one is. The more life altering that decision can be. So do what you do, don't judge others, and most importantly. Do not get so caught up in life that you forget to stop, and smell the roses.
2020-01-08 12:17 am
D, I'm going to go anonymous because my life experience isn't anybody's business, but I got pregnant using the pill (taken correctly) and condoms. This is pretty rare, but it does happen. I was married and while the timing was just awful, we completed the pregnancy.

Plan B is not intended for use the way you're talking about and you'd want to discuss with your OB-gyn before doing that. (It's more for the OMG, what were we thinking? mornings when you didn't use your usual birth control the night before.)

Any time you have penetrative sex, there's a risk of pregnancy. Using two methods of birth control minimizes that risk, but nothing takes it to zero except abstinence.
2020-01-08 9:36 am
Hormonal birth control is BETTER than plan B. 

NEVER take plan B while using hormonal birth control.  YOU WOULD NOT NEED IT.  Plan B is just MORE HORMONES.  If you are correctly taking a combination hormonal birth control - then you would NEVER need plan B.

A condom as a back up is plenty of protection.

When picking a hormonal birth control - ask for a combination birth control instead of the "mini" pill.  It is more effective with a lower failure rate.

Once you have your birth control - READ the information that comes with your birth control.   Understanding how it works and what to do if you miss one is all explained in the information that comes with it.  Don't guess.  Don't ask strangers.  READ the information BEFORE you even take your first pill so that you understand how to use it correctly.  Most of the time, birth control fails when people don't follow the directions for their pill.

It sounds like you would be responsible with your pill - so the pill would probably be all the protection you would need.  (I trusted the pill only for over five years and never had a pregnancy scare)
2020-01-08 7:23 am
If you use Plan B on top of hormonal birth control, you most likely will NOT be okay.  The side effects would be enormous.   
2020-01-08 12:52 am
What if you were raped ? 
2020-01-10 8:39 am
Why would anybody want to have sex without a husband. Nobody will respect you especially if you ever get married.
2020-01-12 1:53 am
Hello 17 and unsure,   

Good for you for first asking for advice and for placing a high value on human life. 

Physical pleasure can be fulfilling because we are created to enjoy sex. Intimacy, companionship, and family are also wonderful aspects of sex.  

Unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, parenting, and the emotional stress and pain that can come with relationships and break ups, however, are very real and possible as well, like you were mentioning. 

Be careful about what you let influence you right now while you are so young. What seems really appealing today can change your life in a way you can not foresee. 

Advice that helped and protected me when I was your age (and is still helping me now as an adult) can be found in this information made specifically for young people entitled "Young People Ask, Answers That Work".

I hope it helps you as it has me. And again, good for you for reaching out and asking advice! 
2020-01-08 7:19 am
Mârriâgė has been prven via stat's to 
be a terrible idea fr yung folk undr 3O
& Senior's 5O+ so I'd advise not do so
@ âll !!


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