When can I start visiting my husband in A school (Navy mineman/ minesweeper San Diego)  ?

2020-01-07 9:38 am
The recruiters don’t really help me, I’ve asked and I get half answers I feel like. My husband is in navy bootcamp and goes to “A” school soon. He’s going to be in San Diego for 19 weeks and I was wondering if anyone has any experience or knows how long would it be til I can go out and start seeing him. I’m pregnant so his first time seeing our daughter will be at his graduation and I don’t want them to be separated too long. Thank you! 

回答 (5)

2020-01-07 12:15 pm
Recruiters won’t tell you because they don’t know most of the time. Their job is done after he leaves. After about week 3 of A School. He will not be allowed to leave base during the day until after around week 5 and then has to report back, unless it is approved.  You will need to find your own lodging as he will be in barracks and can have at least 1 bunk mate. His classes can be at different times of day and night plus he will have homework to complete. When he reports to his command be prepared to be doing things on your own because he can be gone a lot, he will be assigned to it for 46 months. 
2020-01-07 9:50 am
As soon as he's actually in A school, you can go. He'll probably be living in a barracks, so you'll have to get a room someplace. I was on NAS North Island and had advanced traini there as an Avionics Tech/Aircrewman
2020-01-07 8:32 pm
you don't.  the second he left for Boot Camp, the Recruiter's job is DONE and he has no further obligation to you husband,..and NEVER had any to you whatsoever.

the first 30 days he can not even leave the base at all.   after that, Phase Liberty must be earned and it is not until Phase 3 where he has any reasonable expectation fo being allowed to think about REQUESTING a day pass on a non-duty day.  at 19 weeks long he will NOT be allowed to bring dependents at all.  if you go visit, its entirely at your expense, staying in a hotel OFF base and the chances of him being allowed to spend any time with you are close to zilch.   not even weekends could he spend the night off base.  in addition to his 40 hours a week in class( which may be held at night) he will have an additional 20-40 hours of military responsibilities to take care of.  then you damn well better hope he gets orders somewhere where he can bring dependents( Japan is NOT gonna be one of them unless he is at least an E4, for instance) you need to wrap your head around the facts NOW:  he will miss a LOT of milestones.  first words, first steps,  birthdays, holidays and cousin Sally's wedding as well as Aunt Susie's funeral/.  he'll be assigned to a ship that could easily be gone 300 days a year.   even when the ship is in port he will have duty days as often as every 2nd or 3rd day where he must spend 2 full working days and the overnight period in between on board.  
2020-01-07 9:58 am
pretty much from the first week

he will not be allowed off base for 2 or 3 weeks, but you can go on base
2020-02-04 3:53 am
Wait til your husband gets there he will be able to let you know when you can visit

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