What problems do crack babies or babies that have been exposed to weed/cigarettes or liquor face later on in life?

2020-01-07 5:52 am
Please no rude comments

Those are not the responses I wanted, seriously can I get a serious comments

回答 (3)

2020-01-07 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
There's a big difference between these drugs and what effect they might have. Depending on what the fetus is exposed to and in what quantities they may face major health/development problems or no problems at all (related to that) and anything in between. 
2020-01-07 5:55 am
They're the ones you see behind Trump at his rallies
2020-01-07 5:53 am
They tend to support crazy people like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelois, Hillary Clinton, Omar, Tlaib, AOC etc. That or the support lunatics on the other side like the NRA, Dana Loesch, etc

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