How can we fix gentrification and have more affordable housing?

2020-01-05 7:33 pm

回答 (7)

2020-01-05 7:45 pm
Gentrification is inevitable while housing is unaffordable in many areas - people in London for example are moving to areas like Hackney (previously not considered, now rapidly rising prices) because they can't afford anywhere else.
2020-01-05 7:35 pm
organised vandalism and criminal activity in up and coming real-estate areas
2020-01-06 1:12 am
Live outside the city, in a less populated state.

We own our home and rent out half of it (three bedrooms, living room, bathroom, and kitchen) for $500/month. Not at all an uncommon price for a rental in this area.

I drive 20 miles to work.

Meanwhile a friend who lives in the city pays $1,200/month for her rental home.
2020-01-05 7:51 pm
One solution is to have more equitable incomes - that is, to give working people higher salaries.
2020-01-06 2:19 am
build more homes.
2020-01-06 12:06 am
"We"? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Gentrification is more or less a naturally occurring piece of the lifecycle of a neighborhood.
2020-01-06 2:24 am
A lot of people are happy with gentrification. They benefit from the rising house prices.  Why bwould they want it "fixed"?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:50:02
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