What causes watery diarrhea? Please help?

2020-01-05 11:48 am
I am 20 years old skinny male and have been having complete watery diarrhea, and also I have been feeling a little nausea for at least two days, I barely ate anything yesterday because I wasn’t hungry and today I didn’t eat anything because I wasn’t hungry, and my stomach is filled up and making noise. Thank you to anyone who answers!

回答 (3)

2020-01-05 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It maybe your diet, food poisoning, gastric flu, flu or psychosomatic effects of anxiety.
You need to take something with your empty stomach. Take some quinoa.
Keep a food diary and find out which food causes your diarrhea if  it is not gastric flu or irritable bowel syndrome. Anxiety can also indirectly cause diarrhea.
take some oral rehydration salts or take an  isotonic drink.
2020-01-05 4:54 pm
food poisoning causes watery diarrhea
let the bad stuff get out of the system
take oral rehydration salts
2020-01-05 12:44 pm
- The flu. 
It is going around so it very well could be. 

- Food poisoning. 
That can cause those symptoms 

- Certain Medications

- Anxiety 
I know when I get anxious, my body does some crazy things. 

I’m not a doctor but I do suggest you get checked to roll out anything serious. Even the flu is serious. Good luck and I hope you get better soon. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:04:47
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