Would a jock ever wear glasses?

2020-01-04 8:57 am
Typically, it's usually nerds that wear them. In the media, I never see a jock or cheerleader wear glasses.

回答 (3)

2020-01-04 8:59 am
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Even if they needed glasses, they'd probably wear contacts. I knew a few cheerleaders in high school that did that just because you're in an active sport and you wouldn't want your glasses falling off, getting smashed etc.
2020-01-04 9:34 am
They're less likely to wear them, due to superficial concerns about public image, but that doesnt mean they dont need them.
2020-01-04 9:02 am
There was even one (American) football player who did. And I wore them as a professional fencer.

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