Who actually built the ancient stone sites using huge boulders cut and hewed to size in various shapes?

2020-01-04 1:52 am

回答 (10)

2020-01-14 6:49 pm
 WHO  pronoun  what or which PERSON or PEOPLE ..

..  answer PEOPLE who had a desire to build 

and people also created the word MASONS

  to describe the BEHAVIORS of such  people   another HINT for a  more SPECIFIED answer would to indicate WHERE  such sites are located 
2020-01-07 3:13 am
Well, Beer is a drink of the Ancients.  So they were incapable of writing down how they did it or who they were AND forgot that they even did it.  Being in a drunken Stupor...and eating them Peyote berries or other weeds that make them feel FINE.
2020-01-06 3:45 am
guys on top of huge chunks of stone with chisels, 2 at once taptaptap along a tiny fissure, fitting a larger one at each end, taptaptap until a huge flat side falls off,or they just separate nicely
2020-01-05 4:28 am
Scholars are still trying to figure that out. There are several places around the world which have the exact same stone building techniques which puzzle archiologists with many unanswered questions.

There are many theores about how ancient stones were carved, moved and stacked, but no one knows for sure hoe these boulders that weigh many tons were handled and placed where we find them today. 

I am intrigued by all of this and I theorize that lasors, levitation and sound waves were used because no trace of heavy machinery has been found.

I think our human egos will not allow us to accept that a civilization with higher intelligence could be responsible for building those huge and grand structures. And, that maybe why some insist that aliens from outers pace had a hand in this mystery.
2020-01-04 1:53 am
You mean Stonehenge?
It was built by tribal Druids.
2020-01-04 12:37 pm
Masons .
2020-01-04 7:56 am
the people who lived in the area at the time
2020-01-04 4:30 am
Masons.  It is a lost skill today because no one builds with stone.  
2020-01-04 2:00 am
The people who lived in those areas at the time.
Some of the South American sites are amazing.
2020-01-04 2:40 am
ancient aliens came here and tinkered with our DNA to create slave labor and built them

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