please help me:(?

2020-01-03 2:24 pm
i really need some help right now. Me and my boyfriend broke up after a year of being together (were 17) and it was the hardest thing ever. We broke up because we constantly argued, made each other feel bad, he smoked behind my back after i said smoking is a deal breaker, and made me feel like he didn’t care about me. Breaking up felt heartbreaking but relieving. I loved him so much but i felt like i cared more than him. He would party behind my back then lie about it, tell me to F off and called me a b***c. but we were best friends. the problems happened over time and became more and more. Even tho this happened, some days things were perfect. Some days he made me the happiest but i cared so much that he controlled my emotions completely. we were best friends. when we broke up mutually, we both cried. We got back together a few days later but broke up a week after that for the same reasons. He tells me every day how much he loves me and misses me and we hang out sometimes. I still love him so much even tho my family and friends hate him and tell me he’s toxic. It breaks my heart but i always tell him we can’t get back together. When we hang out sometimes we end up kissing a little and tonight he called me and told me he will do anything to be with me and loves me and that he believes we can make it work. My heart is broken and idk what to do. I love him but i feel like i shouldn’t:( 

回答 (4)

2020-01-03 2:44 pm
The smoking be buggered- (smoking behind your back, knowing your stance on it's already out of order and disrespectful enough), but telling ya to "**** off" and calling you a "*****"?! That's bloody disgusting! Why the bloody hell you'd wanna be with any bugger who talks to ya like that's beyond me! Toxic?! The bloke sounds like a bloody animal! 
2020-01-03 3:06 pm
One of the things that to look for in a mate is emotional stability. It sounds like your guy doesn't have that. Ghost the guy until he gives up then find someone you can depend on, that you really like and who is kind to you. Life's too short to live on an emotional roller coaster.
2020-01-03 3:01 pm
Your at the age where you can get addicted to drama. DON'T let yourself go back into the drama. If you do, you are setting yourself up to only go toward guys that will give you more and more drama and eventually violence. Trust me, this is just early puppy love and you will get over him and find other guys. Eventually you will find a MUCH better guy and you will have much better love and communication. At 17 you need to learn more about how to deal with different personalities and what you want and don't want in life. This was just a test run in dating. Don't get stuck in it.
2020-01-03 2:31 pm
I think the only way that things are going to work out in your relationship is if you implement solutions to the problems that are causing you two break up. In order to do this you need to sit down and be truthful to each other and be willing to compromise on something. For example, if smoking is the cause of a lot of conflict then your boyfriend will have to make the sacrifice of giving it up if he wants to stay with you. Ultimately, you will need to reach an agreement on these things or the conflicts will keep happening. However, if you are both dedicated to making things work then I see no reason why you both cannot work through your problems. I really hope this helps :)

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