What can I do when my Schizoaffective Disorder symptoms get worse?

2020-01-01 9:09 am
I just been dealing with my hallucinations from the chemical imbalance in my brain.
I'm a 34 year old, male. And I don't want to be hospitalized. Hospitalization is the worse. And I don't see my Therapist until January 11th, 2020. And I'm just thinking of some things to do, when my Schizoaffective Disorder is acting up. I been dealing with Schizophrenia-Schizoaffective Disorder since 2003.

What are some positive things for me to do for when my Schizoaffective Disorder gets bad?

回答 (2)

2020-01-02 4:07 am
To the best of my knowledge, nothing works for hallucinations except medication. I would call the therapist and ask for a prescription or ask this person to call a doctor if he can't prescribe.
2020-01-01 11:31 am
I pop a PRN called a benzo whenever I have an episode. It slows them down, and stops them from over taking me for too long (Usually under 50mins). With out them, I have severe schizophrenic symptoms, rapid images, rapid voices. Sometimes I get depressed. Mostly, I have found activities that boost my mood and sooth my soul. I am always listening to music, dub techno, psychill, space ambient, are some of my favorites. Keep it rolling brother.
參考: Schizophrenic 9 years.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:42:56
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