How come dancers don't become famous, like how actors and singers do?

2019-12-30 12:41 pm

回答 (4)

2019-12-30 2:52 pm
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I guess dancing is a less famous hobby for people to come in contact with. People love to watch drama shows and listen to music, but fewer people like to search for videos to watch dancers dance, even though you like to dance, you still search for music to dance with
2019-12-30 7:20 pm
There are many famous dancers, like Maddie Ziegler and Misty Copeland.
I could name a ton from many different dance styles that are famous.
2019-12-30 12:44 pm
They do and they are. They just aren't in front of our faces on the boob tube every night and there isn't the red carpet where they can show off a designer's dress and jewelry. If you pay attention to the world of ballet, you would know them.
2019-12-30 9:10 pm
Actors and singers use their voice. They communicate with the audience verbally. That's lacking in dance.
2019-12-30 12:44 pm
Many dancers are world famous, but you simply don't travel in the circles where you would hear about them.  If you were into ballet, for example, you'd be very aware of several of the world's upper class of dancers.
But, of course, film and song are simply more popular than ballet, so naturally those people will have greater fame.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:16:41
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