Will I meet a girl unexpectedly?

2019-12-27 3:17 am
The best days that I've had always were unexpected. I'm 27, never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl. I want a girl with black hair (that's my preference just like how some guys like blondes). My age range for dating is she can be anywhere from a year older than me to five years younger. I want us to have a couple of common interests and I do want her to be a Christian but a more liberal one that believes in science. I want her to be extremely kindhearted, faithful, and loving. I want her to be so full of life and have a bubbly personality. Will I meet someone unexpectedly? Did your relationships start unexpectedly?

回答 (2)

2019-12-28 12:54 am
If there is a God then you're attitude sucks!   He's not interested in making your life easy, giving you everything you want, making a woman to fit your demands or anything like.  He made you and asks you put aside your selfishness, personal desires and aims and put Him first.

If there isn't a God, it doesn't matter!
2019-12-27 4:33 am
No none of them were unexpectedly. I took initiative and talked to them and got to know them. If you’re waiting on something unexpected to happen without taking charge it’s probably not going to 

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