What is another word for Popular?

2019-12-27 1:32 am
I'm in the middle of writing a story based on high school rivalry. A story of the  outsiders/wallflower/loners vs the more popular kids/ jocks/preps, etc. 

So I guess i'm asking what is another word or phrase for the popular kids at school??

回答 (3)

2020-03-04 1:52 pm
For that story which you're in the middle of writing is based on high school rivalry, another phrase for "the more popular kids at school" could be: "the cooler kids at school". (Those "outsiders/wallflower/loners" could change to the word: "losers".)
2019-12-27 5:34 am
In the 1960s and 70s, they were the "cool kids".
2019-12-27 2:55 pm
the "in" crowd
the kids everybody likes
the kids most likely to be listed in the yearbook's "most likely to..."
the kids who didn't need to try to be popular because they'd already made it (or arrived)
the kids who "had it"
coolest of the cool
in the cool cliques
with it
looked up to
who everyone admires
who everyone wants to be like
trendy; the trendsetters
the leaders (as opposed to the followers)
2019-12-27 8:08 am
beloved, favored, the charmed circle

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:43:57
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