想問公司錄影機影到我攞錢,但我地原來有個箱放起多的錢,到小錢就攞反出黎,但近年公司收起個箱 ,只比反500元我地,話如小錢再比我地,但一次都無再比,所以多錢我地會收埋,佢要我認貪心攞左D錢,佢而家要我簽紙離職,再入職,唔比我走,如果走就報警,咁我應該點做呢?

2019-12-25 3:16 pm

回答 (1)

2019-12-25 8:15 pm
Right or wrong, you don't have a choice.

Innocent or not, the employer has evidence for summary termination. Also, the police has evidence to justify an arrest regardless you are innocent or not. So you will be out of job for a while before everything can be clear.

Even you may sue your employer for your loss, it takes time and money as well.

In this case, it is better to keep quiet, do whatever is told and find the next job as quick as possible.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:23:28
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