Why won't he leave me alone?

2019-12-23 3:42 pm
I have a customer everytime I work (very random hours and days) and he gave me his number. (I just did cause public rejection makes people hostile apparently) I never called. He comes in the next week I work and is obviously trying to get my attention. Since I'm a cashier I did my job and ignored him. While waiting for his food he never took his eyes off me (5 minutes). Today while I was taking trash out he waved from his car. I had to go around back by myself. And sure enough the guy drives around back to the dumpster to ask me out again. I said no I have a boyfriend (lies) so no. And he said ok. But I'll be back and maybe you'll say yes.

This is the second time this has happened. How can I get rid of the guy without losing my job?

回答 (3)

2019-12-23 4:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
By accepting his digits, you've already labeled yourself a potential cheater by stating the next time you saw him that you already had a bf, hence, his persistence. His actions towards you are not those of someone "normal" and so, despite your bad judgment, you'd need to inform your employer of the situation, even though it might feel uncomfortable to do so. Well, it's either that or possibly your parents finding out of your abduction and possible murder by the police. You might think I've overreacted, however, I wouldn't leave your dilemma to chance. 
2019-12-23 6:24 pm
Have a couple of your guy friends beat the crap out of him. Maybe he’ll get the message
2019-12-23 4:05 pm
i would not lead him on,hes creepy and a stalker.Tell him that he’s a good guy *even if he’s not*, but you’re just not interested in him in a romantic way.look the person in the eye to show that you’re not afraid, and simply say, “Please, leave me alone from now on.”you can politely let the offender know that his actions are completely unwanted.  hes obsessed with u,be careful going to dumpster  alone

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:51
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