Why do faith healers prohibit conjoined twins from their service? Don't they know that one of them has to die if separated by surgery?

2019-12-18 7:32 am

回答 (6)

2019-12-18 9:09 am
What about other birth defects or amputees...
Has anyone ever saw a "faith healer" erase the scars of a burn victim...
2019-12-18 7:43 am
Faith healers are charlatans. 
2019-12-18 8:32 am
Duh, they're all phonies and you can't fake separating them
2019-12-18 12:46 pm
so much that you know
maybe in america one has to die as that is the profit line , but here , there are so many success where both survive
2019-12-18 11:35 am
Your not well informed as many conjoined have been successfully separated.
2019-12-18 7:57 am
Not that support faith healers.....but conjoined twins are not sick so there is nothing to heal

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