Liberals: do you believe in the bill of rights?

2019-12-17 3:44 am
Why do you verbally and physically assault people when they disagree with you? Why do you act like a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the toy aisle of walmart when you don't get your way? Why can't you discuss social and political topics without lashing out at someone over opposing views? Do you not see how ridiculous it makes you look? You people complain about the police having too much authority (which I agree with btw), but then turn around and try to suppress the views that you disagree with. You want America to be North Korea or Venezuela as long as it's your party in charge, right? You realize these are the political parties dictators and conquerors come out of, right? Grow up.

回答 (12)

2019-12-17 3:48 am
I believe in the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights is part of that Constitution.
Constitutional Conservatives follow the Constitution and grant Equal Rights to All responsible American Citizens.
Use your Rights in a Responsible manner.
2019-12-17 3:45 am
The one the US signed in 1948?  Yeah.  Your itty bitty bill o rights?  No 
2019-12-17 3:45 am
Yes. Conservatives don't believe in freedom of the press nor in separation of church and state.
2019-12-17 3:52 am
Funny you post a question like this especially since Trump himself is the king of over reaction and abusive rhetoric.
2019-12-17 4:32 am
In the disinformation bubble you live in, that is true, but in the world of actual facts, the opposite is true.

Now, we are all hoping that for the sake of our country, some of you choose to get un-brainwashed. We welcome you.
2019-12-17 4:24 am
Do you know how ridiculous this post makes you look?
2019-12-17 3:58 am
I believe you are being ridiculous.
2019-12-17 3:52 am
sure, that bill of rights is a fine document, and as you know we especially like that 1st amendment don't we.  you know, the 1st amendment.  the one you're referencing throughout your post. 

that wonderful 1st amendment, however, only protects you from repression by the government. 

it does not guarantee you immunity from any adverse reactions you might inspire if you, say for example, start preaching about the wonderful benefits of your own personal opinions, if only we'd all just adopt them same as you do

this is why you can't, say, lecture your uncle fred at christmas dinner, and not get yelled at because he'd rather watch the football game.  the bill of rights does not protect you from your uncle fred calling you a damn idiot

nor from the displeasure you might get from total strangers who don't agree with you neither.  only the federal government. 

the 1st amendment is real short, just 1 line pretty much.  great amendment.  love it to death.  thanks for watching.
2019-12-17 3:50 am
Bill of rights, but I'm left handed.
參考: How I write
2019-12-17 3:48 am
Brown shirt tactics
2019-12-17 3:46 am
Sometimes a bill is just a suggestion and you have to fight fire with fire.
2019-12-17 3:55 am
Joshua == take your own advice and GROW UP.
ALL of your BS question is nothing but a pack of liesLie #1  you verbally and physically assault people when they disagree with you ....  No, that is what Trump and Repubs do.Lie #2 you act like a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the toy aisle of walmart when you don't get your way.  ...  Again TRUMP have you read his tweets?  Lie #3  you discuss social and political topics without lashing out at someone over opposing views.  The rest are lies too.  Lie #4 -- Liberals do not want a commie takeover.  TRUMP declared his love for Kim Jung UN.  He wants the US to become a commie dictatorship as long as he is in charge.Do you not see how ridiculous it makes you look? 

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