What does it mean when a teacher calls you “hun, honey, sweetie, dear”etc ? ?

2019-12-16 7:33 am
I hated that when my elementary and middle school teachers did that! I don’t like being called nicknames, like call me by my name. I still found it nice. Why do teachers do that to students?

回答 (7)

2019-12-16 8:06 am
Some girls are hooked to loving children
And speak in that language. It's annoying
But better than being verbally beat up by
A nasty evil teacher. Appreciate the niceness
She gives and grasp you will eventually be
Treated very badly by another teacher one
Day. Life is complicated and made painful
By evil people.
2019-12-18 10:45 pm
they probably liked you, but be careful !
2019-12-16 5:24 pm
I suppose it's better than lil azzhole, douchebag, hell's little angel and some other choice words.
2019-12-16 8:34 am
she probably likes you
2019-12-16 7:34 am
they probably liked you
2019-12-16 8:01 am
It’s not cause they like you it’s cause they don’t know your name 
2019-12-16 7:40 am
Sometimes it's a habit, sometimes they mean it, sometimes it's actually used as a means of diminishing someone (either intentionally or unintentionally), but in any case it is unprofessional to use those kinds of affectionate terms to address students.  Teachers need to be friendly but it can be done in a more professional way.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:56:16
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