Can I write my back book cover blurb myself or should I get professional written instead?

2019-12-15 6:41 am

Can I write my back book cover blurb myself or should I get it professionally written instead? 

回答 (8)

2019-12-15 9:02 pm
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Write it yourself.  If you can write a story, you can certainly summarize it.
2019-12-15 6:58 am
Dan, if you are self-publishing (as your endless questions about book design indicate) then the blurb is part of the writing you, as the author, do for yourself.

You'd be doing yourself a disservice if the voice, style, or professionalism of the blurb doesn't align with the book's content.
2019-12-15 4:45 pm
If you're published traditionally, someone in the publisher's marketing department writes the blurb, usually from a synopsis.

I write my own blurbs, as does every other self-published writer I know. Most of us get some help from critique partners or other writers, or at least show the blurb to such people and ask for their opinions.

There are people who'll write your blurb from a synopsis or polish one you've already written. Whether they're worth paying is another matter.
2019-12-15 1:43 pm
Always complete your own writings.  You may add other significant enhancements to your work but, You are the Author.  :D
2019-12-15 6:49 am
thats up to you and you only one who can make that choice i go with the profeeionally written one blurbs are hard to write
2019-12-16 3:45 am
yes you can lol
2019-12-15 7:08 am
"My back book cover"? Did you write the book? Or is it yours because you bought it? If you think you can write a book worthy of OUR reading, then write it yourself.
2019-12-15 8:33 am
If you wrote the book the that's your decision to make.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:50
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