"There is no stars" or "there are no stars"? And why?

2019-12-15 12:07 am

回答 (5)

2019-12-15 12:23 am
There ARE no stars.
WHY? Because stars is the subject of that statement. STARS is plural; therefore you need to use ARE instead of is.

There IS no star.
WHY? Because star is the subject of that statement. STAR is singular; therefore you need to use IS instead of are.
2019-12-15 7:37 am
Are is correct because, as a word, stars is plural. Turning the sentence around shows how "is" is wrong. No stars are there versus no stars is there.
2019-12-15 1:15 am
stars is plural, thus 'are' is correct. 'is' implies singular
2019-12-15 12:29 am
"There are no stars," because when you have something that is plural (more than one) you use "Are" instead of "is"
2019-12-15 12:24 am
There are no stars.  You would use "is" for the singular tense, star.  Since you are talking about more than one star, (stars) you use the plural "are".

There "is" not a single star in the sky. (singular because you're referring to one single star)

There "are" no stars in the sky. (plural, because you're saying that all of them are missing)

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:02:52
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