what if allies had continued to kill jews in gas chambers,after nazi germany defeat?

2019-12-13 2:13 am

i dont mean to be racist.but i meant to be this question as hypothetical alternative historical scenario question. also i dont hate any jews.

回答 (20)

2019-12-13 5:20 am
What would have happened if your mother had delivered a normal child and not one with brain damage?
2019-12-13 8:56 am
Alternative histories have to make some kind of sense.
This wouldn't.
2019-12-13 3:47 am
What a stupid question!  They didn't and they wouldn't have done that.
They did their best to save as many of the survivors as possible.
2019-12-13 3:07 am
the allies continued to kill the German people after WW2 

12 million Germans were killed after WW2 

2019-12-13 2:32 am
Didn't happen. No reason for them to be barbaric.
2019-12-13 10:13 pm
Yahway is pure evil.
Jehovah is pure evil.
Allah is pure evil.
These are not religions and not Holythey are inferior atheist wrong doings.
2019-12-13 3:15 pm
I have reported this question as inappropriate.
2019-12-13 5:56 am
I suppose the Jews would have continued to die.  Though why would the allies want to be like the Nazis??  Plus, given Western values, I suspect you'd have soldiers that would have a VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM with doing this.  In Western armies, soldiers have a say in what's going on.  And are not afraid to speak out.
2019-12-13 2:16 am
muslims would  have joined in on "the fun".
2019-12-15 5:31 am
morocco killed 2800
2019-12-14 1:49 pm
we would have lost some of the Nicest hard-working people on the Planet

the islamic cult is the worlds biggest problem
2019-12-13 3:41 pm
A hypothesis needs to be based on factors to support it.
What factors support your hypothesis?
Idle trolling, on the other hand, does not.
2019-12-13 6:41 am
Well, first, they would have had to rebuild them.  Most of the chambers were destroyed by the SS during their retreat in a lame attempt to cover their tracks.
2019-12-16 1:13 am
Celtic americans and british celts knew that celtic people would be absolved of their sins of black African enslavement and colonialism if celtic people saved jews so there is no way that celtic people would have continued to kill jews. Ethnic celtic people went around the world killing and raping large numbers of people and they completely got away with it just because they saved jews from being killed off by Germanic males during WW2. Now jewish people and celtic people are best buddies.
2019-12-15 1:45 pm
It is past, let it go!  :D
2019-12-14 1:05 pm
Well they(We) didn't. I don't understand why you would even want to raise this as an alternative. I am glad you don't hate Jews because so many of my family were among those gassed and shot. 
2019-12-14 10:49 am
Now that would be ****** up.
2019-12-13 11:05 am
Then the allies would be persecuted..? 

Actually, scratch that. They wouldn't. If the allies had been comfortable with the holocaust then they wouldn't have intervened in the first place and there would have been no "allies." We'd live in a horrible, fascist society in which we could be killed for our thoughts unless those thoughts were aryan catholic.

This isn't a reasonable "historical scenario" because it directly contradicts the very situations that would have been required for part of the scenario (allies) to even exist. It's just a creepy Nazi fantasy, and I really hope that you take a long hard think about why you were so compelled to fantasize about the murder of innocent people.
2019-12-13 11:59 pm
It would still be a lot of Jews as they weren't all in Germany
2019-12-13 7:03 pm
It is actually a fact that in the camps the Russians liberated they did not let the jews out until several years later.

At Terezin in the Czech republic  several thousand imprisoned jews died of diseases and the survivors  were not  liberated until as late as 1947.

The grave yard outside the camp tells the grim story.

LMAO at the thumbs down. I have been to Terezin , there is a massive plaque there outlining what happened you cretin.
2019-12-13 10:34 am
The Allied Jewish servicemen  were asked if they desired to have their religion changed on their identification 'dog tags' as serving against the German forces would place them in a .. uncomfortable position.  None, NONE! of them chose to alter their religious identification!  That earned them great amounts of respect.

Do you think after placing that amount of respect upon the Allied Jewish servicemen and serving along side of them threw the duration of the war, their fellow servicemen would take up an effort to continue the Holocaust?

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