Why does this girl keep staring at me?

2019-12-12 9:09 pm
One time in school she came over and sat behind me and kept staring at me, which I caught in a reflection in the mirror. Another time, I went to get a glass of water in the cafeteria and when I turned around she just kept staring at me, clutching her books. Why is she so weird?

回答 (2)

2019-12-13 5:54 am
Not at all, dude!  I know a boy who only makes right turns and no left turns.  Another girl refused to answer question number 9 (in any tests).

Weird?  How so?  It's a free world where everyone makes own choices.
I bet you will see more to come.  Just stay tuned and enjoy you own life.

As for the staring???  I think you might have a balding spot on the top of your head.
Or you might have booger in your nose.
2019-12-13 8:04 am
weird is unnatural, mysterious, strange, difficult to understand or explain, eccentric student who is very unconventional in behavious and appearance on in classroom and school cafeteria only. May be your school uniform and dress and appearance are weirdly; adv.

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