when did men start getting villainfied?

2019-12-12 12:39 am
I'm not trying to start ****. I just wanna know why over the last couple of years why my gender is now evil incarnate. This stuff is mostly happening online. in real life I haven't met a women who has come up to me and say I'm evil or privileged. I'm not white and this might controversial but I think upper class white women are actually the most privileged people in the country. I just wanna know why my gender is seen as evil and privileged?

回答 (18)

2019-12-12 12:56 am
Since feminism.  
2019-12-12 8:22 pm
we need to quit acting like complete jackasses around woman and practice self control. its disgusting to see especially grown *** men acting like they've never had any, why do you think women walk around acting like they the **** ?
2019-12-12 12:50 am
<I'm not trying to start ****

SURE you aren't.  And I'm trying not to breathe.
2019-12-12 12:45 am
Since we old white men have been blamed for EVERYTHING since Noah's flood ................
2019-12-12 1:45 pm
Ever since feminism decided to weaponize female victimhood in order to oppress men. Personally, I don't view women as victims because they are just as capable as I am. Somehow, I am going to be called sexist for saying that. 
2019-12-12 6:06 am
White men have always been blamed for everything. We are the only responsible race/sex. 
2019-12-12 2:00 am
How old are you, child?
2019-12-12 12:50 am
It’s Adams fault Eve ate the apple because he had male privilege.     
2019-12-14 1:02 am

A huge part of it comes from women beginning to be in the same domains as men.

That is, as long as society has a highly proscribed delineation of how men and women are supposed to act both separately and with each other, that protected men's reputations.

Unfortunately, freedom has lots of unpredictable prices.  If women are free to, say, become soldiers, that puts men and women together under circumstances that were previously prohibited, and what men have been doing for thousands of years all of a sudden sees the glaring light of day.

Of course, it also does this for women.  Women's sexual preferences, formerly stifled by the chains of society, now are held to ridicule but not reprisal.  For instance, an adulterous woman wouldn't be hanged, but she might be called a slut.

We pine for the days that this will be smooth and easy, but since men don't treat each other particularly well, and women don't treat each other particularly well, I think we're pining for a fool's paradise.
2019-12-14 12:06 pm
Because your gender is evil and privileged. That's what the facts show. And it doesn't matter your race. It's women who are in every culture given subordinate roles. If you look at Africa and Asia, for example, you'll see women being told to cover their faces and to not be allowed to drive. And even the USA we're being denied opportunities like being president and are being paid much less than men. Also, rapists like Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas are given high positions for violating women. And men are responsible for most of the wars of history and other gruesome things. Yet idiots want to say women are privileged? No, only misogynists believe that. Women are the most oppressed people ever. 
2019-12-12 6:41 pm
Why do you care in the first place?

You Western nations have a privilege, you dont have to be victims. In yet so many of you chose to be. 

NO BALLS. No balls. 
參考: 79
2019-12-12 12:46 am
Science nature and religion don't agree on many things, but they agree on one, this that females are the the more evil, manipulative part of the human race. To reference, Adam and Eve, it was Eve who wanted to steal the apple, Adam falling victim to her charisma, he simply followed suit. Then in science nature, society often overlooks that its in a woman's natural ways to manipulate, to turn people against each other, both to get what she wants, and to protect herself. Men are pushed to understand this as early as possible as to not be a doormat for any woman he's with, to stand his ground, and to respect himself as well as everyone else. This rather than give up his self respect due to a woman's manipulation, leading a man to becoming more selfish in future himself, due to meeting with a woman who was just to in tune with her evil side. Or we could just ignore historical facts, or religion, and #believe all women. XD
2019-12-15 11:14 pm
Jesus Christ is the biggest evil in history before that evil doer and non religious moron jesus everyone was equal under the roman pagan western culture
2019-12-15 8:36 pm
Men have always been the satan
2019-12-15 6:32 am
White women think they are so oppressed, which is the funniest thing to me. Look in Eastern nations for gods sake.
2019-12-14 2:54 pm
Men, especially white men, began to become vilified once Western culture became obsessed with victimhood.  

Everything became about the oppressed, and those who weren't the poor, marginalized, misunderstood victims were labeled the oppressors.  Being successful, being excellent, being better means others lose.  People losing is so sad.

We should focus all our attention on the losers and give them all the money!  Meritocracy can go to the firey pits below!
2019-12-12 6:07 pm
Because stupid people, mainly girls, want to take advantage of the situation and shut you up, hoping that it helps them put their views moreo. Don't let them and talk anyways, the people that started this toxicity are just stupid and selfish.
2019-12-12 5:17 am
Because you are even if you're not white. Men aren't great.

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