Microwaves keep breaking?

2019-12-11 12:28 pm
Since ive moved to a new apartment complex, ive gone through two new microwaves in 4 months, the last one lasting barely a month before it stopped heating food. Ive checked the outlets and the voltage is normal. I only ever cook scrambled eggs in them, about 4-5 times a day, 5 mins each. I clean up the condensation from the steam that comes from the eggs every time because i thought that might be the issue. But the second one still broke. Any ideas why they keep breaking?

回答 (14)

2019-12-11 12:54 pm
No. No ideas. Maybe you just got unlucky and got two faulty microwaves in a row.
2019-12-11 1:22 pm
Likely they are only blowing the fuse on their power cord input block. Open them up and replace the fuse, if it is blown.
To fix the cause, arrange a double boiler with a plate of water under your plate of eggs. The water will make a proper coupling with the microwaves and prevent the sort of internal surge that is blowing its fuse.
2019-12-14 4:51 am
a lot of know nothing answers out there. First of all, the only fuse in a microwave is the Thermal fuse to the klystron tube (the thing that makes the microwaves) and it runs $40 to $50 depending on the model. Past that there are door interlock switches. Being that you've had 2 different failures assuming all things being equal (same model, mfr, etc) it does sound like bad luck or maybe you have some knock off brand that makes the item too cheap. As a technician its habit to always look for something common and the only thing common that might cause the 2 failures described is the circuit board. could be failed components, bad solder jobs, assembly issues or bad contacts. I'd recommend trying a different maker.
2019-12-12 2:47 pm
I don't know anything about microwaves, never owned one and I use the one at work sparingly.

Having said that, my question is;  You cook scrambled eggs 4 to 5 times a day?
2019-12-11 7:02 pm
try buying more expensive ones
2019-12-16 1:19 pm
Not all microwaves are the same quality. Cheap means cheap. Get a better brand(or a different brand and keep the receipt so you can take it back should it break. Maybe you the lucky winner of the "PoS" microwave. "TWICE" no less.
2019-12-14 5:10 pm
As you say you do not have low voltage or amps. That will cause over heat in them & blow the fuse.  Are you getting power surges? As a apartment were something heavy is coming on & going off? You might try a surge protector. 
2019-12-13 2:10 pm
It could be shorting out because of bad wiring. Are you using any other appliances at the same time? Also it could be that something is wrong with your circuit breaker  and it’s not tripping/ shutting off when it should allowing  too much electricity to reach your microwave. I def recommend getting a professional to come look at your circuit breakers/ outlets/ wires
2019-12-13 11:14 am
your home power supply is cross-wired
you need to ask a expert
2019-12-11 9:35 pm
bad luck would be my guess. change brands when you get a new one
2019-12-11 1:53 pm
Define breaking.  Turn table stops turning or no mirowaves cooking food? Have you taken them back under warranty? Try another brand. [I buy a decent brand for less than $100 on sale, and then just replace them when they fail after about 3 years.]  No real ideas. I would guess a power surge somewhere. Is it 110v plug in with a ground? Is there a GFI (ground fault interrupter) somewhere {although I have no idea why that might cause a problem.}  >> have you talked to the landlord and your neighbors?   Maybe just bad luck.
2019-12-14 12:59 am
2019-12-11 9:47 pm
Buy Panasonic next time.
2019-12-11 9:27 pm
What exactly do you mean by 'breaking'.  Do you mean they stopped entirely or they didn't work properly ?r 

There should be NO condensation  / steam in the microwave. So that indicates an issue - usually with the cooling fan in cheaper models.  Condensation can also be an issue when you overcook the food - 5 mins for eggs is excessive - so that might be the problem rather than the appliance itself

Cheap microwaves (and I am not saying you bought cheap) are notorious for not lasting very long.. Try a more expensive model perhaps 

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