If you claim your Christian why do you lie to kids about Santa and the Easter Bunny?

2019-12-11 4:23 am
This is Breakthrough's question again. 

回答 (45)

2019-12-11 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because that is the custom and tradition of the holidays they represent.  When kids are old to realize Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real, there is no need to play along anymore.  So what?  Its a right of passage for ever kid.  The "lie" is out of the spirit of the holidays, to make "being a kid" more enjoyable.  The deception is not intended to be used to take anything away from children.   

If an adult Christian lies to a child to hide a planned, surprised birthday party, would you consider that devious and sinister behavior?  'Context' is everything, my friend.  

Happy Holidays!!!
2019-12-11 4:29 am
If I read them Hansel and Gretal is it lying? No its a Story
2019-12-11 4:27 am
I never did the Santa Claus or Easter bunny  thing with my kids. From my experience actually it seems like the atheists I  know really push the Santa Claus and Easter bunny. Most of the church going people i know don’t
2019-12-11 5:27 am
I also allow them to "believe" in Peter Pan and talking animals and fairies. It's part of childhood innocence. They outgrow it as they mature, but they never outgrow Jesus, Who is reality.
2019-12-11 4:25 am
But Santa is real!!! I'm not so sure about the Easter Bunny though!!!
2019-12-11 4:24 am
Just to be clear, you're repeating somebody else's question for the sole purpose of pointing out that you've been blocked by that person?

And I get called a narcissist.
2019-12-11 4:32 am
I never did.  My husband tried to when our daughter was about 3.  He dressed up as Santa and tried to come "visit" her, but she knew it was her dad, and she never believed in Santa after that.  Which was fine by me!
2019-12-11 4:24 am
Yeah! The same goes for cartoons, superheros, fairy tails, fables, ghost stories, and all fiction ever written ... killjoy.
參考: Common Sense
2019-12-12 6:22 am
Santa and the easter bunny are fairy tales and told to young children not so they believe but simply as a charming fantastical story such as "cinderella", little mermaid and even bugs bunny cartoons, (no one believes rabbits can talk but children still fantasize). it's just sparking fantastical magic in a child's imagination. NO christian teaches it as truth. When the time is right and the child can think for themselves and they can understand, we tell them the truth about Jesus and His plan of redemption for all men. The truth; that God is with us and is interested in us. 

Worse is when atheists and false religions try to convey their "own" fantastical lies they conjure up in their heads and don't see that they are brainwashed by other atheists or ideas of men, on what their "religion"believes or doesn't believe, without any proof whatsoever or distorted lies. (and yes atheism IS a religion(you can deny that all day long, but it is. (religion is nothing more than a "man-made" idea that has taught to humanity, be it whatever that may be.e.g; God, or that we (complicated and intricate beings)"evolved" from a "chemical reaction" or an "amoeba" - that takes way more faith to believe;that is truly fantastical faith"!) or that we must "perform" to please god.  Atheism cannot prove their belief that God doesn't exist; there is no historical, physical or empirical evidence, they can show for their belief. Believers however have existential proof- something doesn't come from nothing. historical, architectural,scientific and prophetic evidence does exist that proves something bigger than us does exist and created us. 
2019-12-12 12:35 am
We indeed lie about the reality of Santa as a real person. The real Saint Nicolas was a real person 100's of years ago.
2019-12-11 5:01 am
It's the idea of a Santa Claus or an Easter Bunny that gives life such richness, nuance, joy and hope. You can't see that also in the idea of a Jesus figure? Hello!! It's the idea that such goodness exists at all. That we can be touched by it. That we can be included and include others. Hallelujah and amen. It's imagination and the richness of being human. How dreary indeed...if there was no Santa Clause. How dreary indeed. 

"Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished." 
2019-12-11 3:44 pm
Well, I'm a Christian who has never lied to my kids about Santa or the Easter Bunny. They were never told untruths about those non-existent fictions. That didn't stop me giving them presents or telling them the truth about Jesus rising from the grave on the third day (what others call 'Easter'). An event that had over 500 eye-witnesses over a period of 40 days (for the nay-sayers who call the resurrection a fiction). By the way, those who don't make the connection between Christmas and Easter have no idea of the significance of either.
2019-12-11 5:05 am
We Christians tell our kids the truth about  God and the Bible.

"Santa and the Easter bunny" are lies.
2019-12-11 4:29 am
I NEVER DID THAT...WHEN MY KIDS were younger, we were in a cult...
2019-12-11 10:27 pm
At Jw.org there are many answers to questions from the bible for free.
2019-12-11 2:51 pm
We never lie to our children. Lies invite and promote distrust. 
2019-12-11 4:23 am
I never did do that.
2019-12-11 6:01 am
Your WHAT is Christian?
2019-12-11 4:47 am
It's done so that kids have something to enjoy during a religious holiday. The problem today, of course, is that the religious aspect has diminished and been replaced by the secular aspects even for most adults.
2019-12-11 4:32 am
Sadly stopped believing Santa at age three then something amazing happened and Santa saved me.  Adults should be more open minded. There are all kinds of holidays in many countries and some make their own.  Please do not spoil the fun of others.
2019-12-11 10:09 am
Lying never wins in the end. Justice will be done by God at his own time. 
Man is not the judge.

Who cares if you choose not to celebrate holidays it’s your choice you don’t need to follow man and their false pagan teachings and works of the flesh.

God will bless you if you do what’s right, only he can anyway. Men have no power over anything!
2019-12-13 3:40 am
Bah humbug means  support capitalism
2019-12-12 11:37 pm
Because i actually like my kids to enjoy their lives unlike you, you lifeless child-hater
2019-12-12 11:11 pm
Santa is a spiritual anagram for Satan why would Christians lie to their children about him being jolly. 
2019-12-12 1:50 pm
Santa is real ...... almost as real as a Russian immigrant white hair with blue eyes Jesus
2019-12-12 7:45 am
I'm atheist thanks
2019-12-12 5:09 am
I don't. As a Christian I don't celebrate these holidays as they have their organs in worship to pagan gods. 
2019-12-12 3:39 am
Revelation 12:9 This includes you
2019-12-12 2:48 am
Children are entitled to their fantasies
2019-12-11 10:57 pm
'Santa' is an actual person who left us one of the greatest examples of obedience to Christ's commands in Matthew 6, ('secret almsgiving'); he was a Greek bishop who kept peace in entire regions by using networks of secrecy to interdict impending conflicts by bridging economic shortfalls on behalf of the economically disadvantaged, which culminated each year at Christmastime as all of the stories were gathered and relayed. How am I supposed to explain all of that to a little child?

Storytelling of course, just as GOD does with us, (if we aren't too arrogant to try to make up our own foolish narratives under the false presumption that we will never be 'mature' enough to grasp the whole story). Whatever story we use isn't a 'lie' simply because a child cannot grasp the whole truth. What a pitiful perception!

The 'lie' only arrives if we decide not to bridge our stories to reality as our children mature. 

The 'Easter Bunny' is a little sillier, but even that had origins in Christian storytelling, (now mostly lost). The 'rabbit' was actually a pest and people would expend a great deal of energy trying to keep them away from valuable crops and garden herbs. They also 'bred like rabbits' so even hunting them wasn't really all that effective. The children used to spend Easter morning chasing down rabbits while each hunting for the 'Easter rabbit' which they were told was the cause of all the other rabbits' mischief, so he was a symbol of the evil and damage being done by death itself.

With help from the adults, the children all brought home a rabbit and were rewarded with little gifts, candy and prizes. The rabbits became part of the Easter feast and that rascally 'Easter Bunny' always seems to escape capture. We would get him next year. 

As they matured, it was explained to children that Easter is about Christ's resurrection and that He had to chase down and capture death itself like a fugitive in order to free us from its power. We each help to capture and contain sin and its damage similarly during our earthly lives. Together we will eventually conquer death also and we will each be resurrected as Christ was. In the meantime, we learn evil's tricks and gain rewards for our service as we demonstrate how to overcome it, (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). 

Their experiences chasing rabbits while looking for the 'big trouble-maker' used to stick with them and drive this lesson home. None of the parents involved were ever 'liars' for choosing this realistic analogy to convey lessons about good and evil and the basics about resurrection. 

Historical revisionism, secular 'tailoring' of these stories and Christian 'slumber' and lack of defense of their own theology and history is to blame, but don't buy the atheistic lie that they are somehow in any position to be judging Christians or have any basis for asserting moral authority whatsoever, especially regarding children and child-rearing. Nothing could be more preposterous. 
2019-12-11 6:19 pm
Tradition!  Most people in this country follow tradition, Christian or not.  I have six children, all grown up now with grown children of their own.  They too follow tradition.  It is what it is...  :D

My husband spells his name the same way as you.  :D
2019-12-11 5:39 pm
It's you're. Short for you are. 
When you've learnt to write basic English feel free to ask again.
2019-12-11 1:12 pm
You can't come up with your own questions?
2019-12-11 9:03 am
As an atheist,  my kids believed in that nonsense for years, because I started it.
In summary, everyone does it.
2019-12-11 8:58 am
I never did. I told them about Jesus and His birth and also that Easter was a remembrance of His crucifixion and resurrection. Never assume all Christians are alike.
2019-12-11 7:56 am
For the same reason that atheist and agnostic etc. media people lie to the kids on national television? Christmas is supposed to be about children and families. It is supposed to be a magical time for children and the myth/legend of St. Nicholas has been hyped up for that purpose alone .... to brighten up a lot of kids' lives at that time. Whilst any Christian can't actually agree with it from a true or false perspective, it is a relatively harmless myth which makes children's faces light up. Santa occasionally makes a lot of younger ones burst into tears but otherwise it is all fairly innocent fun. I can't remember ever actually passing any comment on the Easter Bunny and maybe that is because there is 0 truth in that rather than say 2% about Santa Claus. 

I think it is more of a secular thing, personally, but of course, the main event is the birth of Christ, the Messiah, born of the Virgin Mary and conceived of the Holy Spirit. That is 100% truth. :)
2019-12-11 7:32 am
Santa and the Easter Bunny are not convincing and as such, couldn't exist.

(Dang, I didn't realize that it's a serious deal on this site when you're blocked. That it should make the blocked person hold resentment and have the desperate need to want to voice their response.) 

2019-12-11 7:25 am
We don’t.

Charlie Darwin in a red suit is not taking credit for my children’s gifts. I worked hard for that money.

Same with the stupid Trix rabbit.
2019-12-11 7:25 am
I can't remember ever having done those things.
2019-12-11 6:41 am
im not sure that christian parents lie to their children Christians do not have a need to practice the Passover :"forever" but there is a sacrament that saints remember the body and flesh and blood of Christ that was shed for US.
maybe all Christians should do the Passover ritual and feast on a Lamb once a year. Me ! i would just partake of a unleavened bread at a meal once a day. but with the sacrament, the whole dinner Passover is mostly forgotten anyway, because WE have the Lamb of God as a high priest and a savior to the world.
2019-12-11 11:31 pm
have you ever noticed SANTA is an anagram of SATAN food for thought
2019-12-11 5:31 am
To me, you are judging people. The scripture tells us that God will do the judging. Each Christian has their relationship with God and don't need you to pass judgement. 
2019-12-11 5:17 am
It is good to have true devotion to St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. He is the patron saint of merchants, pawnbrokers and children, among other things.
2019-12-11 4:48 am
Are you claiming to know what every Christian teaches their children?
2019-12-11 4:35 am
Not to be all nit picky and stuff but I gotta point out that you seem to have the word your mixed up with the contraction you're as in you are. Your would indicate ownership.

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