what does the word believe literally means?

2019-12-06 3:45 am

回答 (8)

2019-12-07 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
It does means "accept as true."  You think it might does means something else?
2019-12-06 8:10 pm
Let's re-write your question:
What does the word 'believe' literally mean?

Now go and find a dictionary. Using the skills you were taught in kindergarten, turn to 'B' and look for the word 'believe'.
Read the definition. If there is something you can't understand, THAT is when to turn to Y!A.
But we do expect you to have at least TRIED to find out for yourself before you ask us.

EDIT to add: Other people have suggested that perhaps you meant "the wordS 'believe literally',", not "the word 'believe' literally".
This is why punctuation matters.
2019-12-06 3:55 am
If you want to know what a word means, a dictionary is a good place to find out. All you have to do is enter the word, followed by 'definition' in your search bar.
2019-12-07 10:35 am
I literally kicked the bucket, ( not die)  when I mopped the floor\
it customarily pairs ,, in an implied sense, with 'figuratively'

 'my wife blew a gasket',,, oh,,m god why did she do that?  the meaning here is 'she got very angry 
 meaning of the expression,literally, the car engine seal started smoking. literally \

 this word is used everywhere in pop culture english as something like caps, or an exclamation point to impart emotion ,just a filler  with no real meaning ,,used thus because many others do so,it is waaaaaay overused
2019-12-07 12:02 am
I don't think that the word is sentient enough to have a belief about the meaning of literally. Even if the word had any thoughts about it, how are we to know? But perhaps I misunderstand your question.
2019-12-06 10:39 pm
believe literally is two words, and I cannot imagine what that is supposed to mean.  If you are asking what the word believe means, it means to accept a thing as true without requiring any good reasons (although you most likely would have reasons just the same).  The literal meaning is the meaning.  It might have a figurative meaning but that could only be identified through context.  Figurative uses are totally dependent upon context.
2019-12-07 10:36 pm
To literally is to the means of all believe.
2019-12-06 11:16 pm
You must mean the phrase "believe literally" and it means to take something at face value or to accept what it expresses without looking for hidden meaning or special nuance, etc.

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