Is self pleasuring/masturbation to images of people you know and care for morally wrong? If not, why?

2019-12-05 8:57 am

回答 (9)

2019-12-05 9:31 am
What you do in your personal, private time isn't anyone else's business.
2019-12-06 3:09 pm
In general, no, since it doesn't actually harm anyone.  But if you're jerking off to images of young children in the family, you need to go get therapy.
2019-12-05 1:28 pm
It is acceptable as long as you notify them.  Pictures are not necessary however.
2019-12-08 5:12 am
I don't think it is wrong morally or for any other reason. It is a fantasy, dream! Enjoy it baby!
2019-12-07 12:29 pm
It's opinion but mine is that jackin' off is never WRONG.  Problems come from trying to make some fantasies real.  I can tell you that unless you're fu kin' a particular girl, do NOT tell her that you fantasize about her when you're stokin'.  For men, jackin off is just jackin' off. Women can get really weird about it--even jealous.  So don't tell men that you imagine fu kin' someone you know if there's a chance that he will tell a woman.
2019-12-07 6:56 am
depends on your morals not mine
but if your looking at family members that would be wrong
2019-12-07 12:10 am
It could be considered 'morally' wrong - but since it's not hurting anyone, then jerk away!
2019-12-06 8:19 pm
it only becomes a problem if caught in the act
2019-12-05 12:27 pm
That depends on your point of view.

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