Will smartphones come down in price again before Christmas?

2019-12-04 3:16 pm
I really want to get a Samsung Galaxy Note 10 for someone as a gift. I was online for the black Friday AND cyber Monday sales right when they opened and was out of stock each time. It seems something is telling me that I will never get one. I'm wondering if there will be any sales coming up on one. Perhaps around $20/month on Verizon, they will not switch carriers..

回答 (2)

2019-12-04 4:02 pm
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Current popular models are highly unlikely to be discounted. The manufacturers and retailers simply don’t need to do that unless sales are flagging or unless they are temporarily overstocked on those items.

Why give away profits for no good reason?

If the phone you want is about to be replaced with a new model or has recently been replaced then discounts will certainly be made to clear old stock.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday can be a minor exception: popular models might get very small discounts to offset loss of profit per item with a greater than normal number of sales adding up to a higher overall profit. But as you discovered, they limit the amount of available stock for popular items because they know that plenty of disappointed customers will just give up and buy at the regular price anyway.

Manufacturers and retailers are businesses which exist solely to make profits for their shareholders. They don’t exist to be charitable.
2019-12-05 2:04 am
Don't get the Samsung trust me. The quality just isn't their anymore. I have a galaxy note 9 and it's already having issues with the charging port and the headphone jack. The older galaxies were much better built then the new ones.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:41:48
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