Would te Muslim Council of Britain like to comment on THIS ?

2019-12-03 5:52 am

回答 (15)

2019-12-03 6:14 am
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They won't comment any real condemnation on anything like this
2019-12-03 5:54 am
Is this how you think they are best reached ?

What kind of utter moron thinks ISIS answers to the Muslim Council of Britain ? 

Have a lie down. 
2019-12-03 5:57 am
Always reassuring when hate scum trolls are so monumentally stupid. 
2019-12-03 5:56 am
I’m sure they will if you ask them. The MCB have consistently condemned ISIS, their ideology and their actions.
2019-12-03 6:47 am
Why should te Muslim Council of Britain engage with that noncesense ?  Grow up child.  
2019-12-03 6:45 am
Why bother when the pig ignorant hate scum invent comments?
2019-12-03 5:55 am
No te (sic) have no reach with ISIS, perhaps fat Donny would have a better idea. 
2019-12-03 5:58 am
What has the Muslim Council of Britain got to do with an Islamist extremist terror group like ISIS?
2019-12-03 6:05 am
Muslims have no place in Britain.
2019-12-03 7:12 am
Why would they?   
2019-12-03 6:49 am
Are we now all responsible for Bozo and his trail of lies and deception ? Get a hold of yourself. 
2019-12-03 6:09 am
They won't.
Anyway, why the hell do we have Muslim Councils? If they can't assimilate they should return to their country of origin. Their welcome here is hanging by a thread after all the recent atrocities. 
2019-12-03 6:24 am
They won't condemn anything to do with Muslims. They haven't even condemned the latest atrocity committed by one of theirs.
2019-12-03 7:54 am
To those who answer "They wont," te actually have condemned Islamist terror and atrocities consistently up to the point it is no longer helpful or informative to do so.  
2019-12-04 1:41 pm
 moozies  who are invitees of the liberal govts are often the nutters,the unstable,whose prime directive from the kouran is to 
lslamize wherever they go,willing or not,enforce islamic law,,they are not bound to oaths in the host country,taquiyah is the doctrine of deception,it is permitted if the purpose is to promote islam,,brits send them back,leave the EU, send the labourites home for good,demand that the queen and entourage dump every party animal,your country will be lost,as it once was otherwise.

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