Do you think Trump will be impeached and put out of office? Or impeached and remain like Bill Clinton?

2019-12-02 8:39 am

回答 (11)

2019-12-02 8:42 am
Trump will be impeached. The corrupt GOP Senate will protect our corrupt President. Which they will bitterly regret when the Democrats keep the House and take back the Senate and Presidency in 2020.
2019-12-02 10:04 am
I still haven't heard any evidence to believe he will ever be impeached at all.
2019-12-02 8:52 am
nothing will be found during the trials. He will remain
2019-12-02 8:41 am
Zero chance he’ll be impeached and punted.
2019-12-02 8:45 am
Trump will be impeached in the House. The Senate, without seeing the House reports, has already announced they won't impeach. Because of that move, there will be a massive turnout of Democrats next November, Biden, or whoever is on the top of the ticket will win, and Democrats will capture the Senate by one or two seats.
2019-12-02 8:41 am
I don't think he will even be impeached. But lets say he is, he will not be removed from office.
2019-12-02 8:42 am
I give it a 40 percent chance that he will be impeached and a 2 percent chance he will be removed from office.

If Trump IS impeached, I don't  think that it will be deserving but instead will be a knee jerk emotional reaction. If we only had one party, no one would even have thought to look at this.
2019-12-02 8:41 am
I'm predicting impeached, remain, AND likely be re-elected.
2019-12-02 9:50 am
only time will tell, we'll just have to wait and see
2019-12-02 8:40 am
If he is impeached, he will likely remain in office.  I doubt the republican senate would remove him.  
2019-12-02 8:41 am

he won't be impeached at all

he will, however, win the 2020 election in a landslide

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:46:06
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