
2019-12-01 12:00 pm

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2019-12-10 9:37 am
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Seeing is beliveing

今天要分享的俗諺是 “Seeing is believing”「眼見為憑」。 「更多英文學習:QQ English」
上禮拜我們談到英文的名詞,這禮拜來談另一種形式的名詞:動名詞。 顧名思義,動名詞具有「動詞的外表」,但卻有「名詞的內涵」,由「原形動詞+ing」所形成, 例如俗諺中的seeing、believing。為什麼英文會有動名詞呢? 英文文法有一個非常重要的觀念,就是「一個英文句子只能有一個名詞、一個動詞」, 如果有兩個以上的動詞,就必須想辦法解決。其中一個辦法就是把其他動詞+ing, 使其變成「動名詞」。 動名詞有幾種功能,其中兩種是作為主詞、補語。以這禮拜分享的俗諺Seeing is believing為例, 我們一起分析這段句子的文法結構:
所以seeing is.....,目前這段句子的意思並不完整,而「believing」這個動名詞就作為補語,補充說明主詞的狀態。為什麼要接動名詞呢?上面提到,這是因為一個英文句子只能有一個動詞阿。
2019-12-02 8:41 am
The difference between the infinitive and the gerund are:-
(1)The gerund has form and are formed with -ing like the present participle (active and passive)
Function:- are used as nouns
Seeing is believing.
I like playing a game of mahjong.
Not being married is one of man's most unfortunate conditions, another is having a wife.
Loud talking is forbidden in a library.
He objected to his being hurt by a rioter without seeing the mask-face ?!
(2)The infinitive has a form in the following table showing the various forms of infinitive"to take":-
eg:-to take---present active
to be taken---present passive
to have taken---perfect active
to have been taken----perfect passive
Function:-as a noun:-
eg:-To hate is human....To forgive is divine or divine.
They wanted to visit the Queen.
Used as an adverb:-eg:-
He was angry to have been cheated by the gang.
used as an adjective:-
We students have a lot of work to do.
These books are not to be taken away from the Library.
Used as Infinitive without "to";eg:-
Let it go ; let it go; now ?!
I heard the choir sing.
Elsa and Anna watched the film-team win the Oscar festival honor.
-----The Infinitive without "to" are used after verbs like :-eg:-let, hear, watch, make, see.
And after auxiliary verbs like:-eg:-can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, do, does, did, etc.
eg:-She does not see the film called "frozen-freeze" because she is poor ?!
2019-12-01 4:26 pm
一個在結構上是[verb]-ing,另一個是to [verb]

動名詞:I enjoy swiming.
不定詞:I want to swim.

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