Can I loose wait by only using a treadmill?

2019-12-01 10:02 am
I want to loose weight but I can’t go to the gym due to work my shifts are usually from 10am-7pm daily and I have a treadmill at home. I was wondering if I use it daily for about an hour or 2 will I be able to loose weight around the stomach area compared to going to the gym.

回答 (7)

2019-12-03 6:18 am
No. You have to change your diet. The treadmill will greatly help with your cardiovascular health, but won't help with weight loss unless you are also eating a healthy diet and not eating more calories than you need for your height and weight and activity level. 
2019-12-01 5:32 pm
i ate my treadmill and lost weight so yes
2019-12-01 11:26 am
well yes do the treadmil but also eat right. dont limit yourself to that but do treadmil, eat healthier
2019-12-01 11:05 am
Not realistically, no.  It would definitely get your legs and heart into good shape,  but the fat will remain (and almost assuredly increase).

Fructose is as poisonous to the liver as alcohol.   It is mitigated (absorption slowed down to a trickle instead of a flood) by insoluble fiber.   That is why fructose in whole foods is 'safe'.  You just get too little. 

Now, when we (or bees) refine our sugars, the fiber is removed and the fructose comes en masse and is poisonous to the liver,  causing inflammation that causes dysfunction that causes obesity and also causes diabetes II,  most heart disease and other metabolic disorders. 

Do this for your health and getting permanently thin will be just a side effect. 

This isn't a restrictive diet nor dieting (what I said about caloric restriction).  

This is returning to how our regular diets were, until only the last few decades. 

How many obese people do you see in photos from the 1940s and b4?
參考: "Fat Chance..." by Dr. Robert Lustig M.D, M.S.A "Sugar: the Bitter Truth " on YouTube
2019-12-01 11:03 am
Walking a couple of hours a day will definitely cause you to lose weight if you don't increase how much you eat.
2019-12-01 10:23 am
Reduce calories to less than 2000 and carbs to less than 100 g
2019-12-01 10:08 am
The gym is not necessary, but you should be doing more than using your treadmill.  Core exercises like squats, push-ups, and crunches are essential.  Additionally, you will need to change your diet to reflect a lower intake of calories.

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