What can I do to an ex girl who blocked me and later called the cops on me?

2019-12-01 2:53 am
So this may be similar to many of you that are obsessed with this girl, but after what just happened I lost all interest in her but would like to be her friend or acutance.. you get me though right she blocked me before the police arrived. What do I do in this situation? 

回答 (4)

2019-12-01 3:04 am
End all contact with her and get a lawyer for your trial.
2019-12-01 2:57 am
GROW UP, move on, accept rejection and look for the NEXT girl to be=ring JOY into your heart.

One day, she will gain weight, get pregnant, lose her looks AND YOU WILL BE GLAD, 
she is NOT Yours.
2019-12-01 2:56 am
What? Why did she call the cops and if you have no interest in her why try to be friends? Leave her alone.
2019-12-01 2:57 am
Find a girl who doesn’t lie and can teach you how to spell.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:13
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