My ex girlfriend lied to me at everything and called the cops on me then blocked me?

2019-11-30 11:20 pm
It was late at night when she decided to speak to me after sometime, we spoke and we were talking about religion and she said I want to send you a prayer book! I was a little skeptical about sending my address again to her because she said earlier she’s sending her boyfriend, I was like you don’t have a boyfriend you lied about your mom being sick and a new boyfriend, and also ultimately lied about a prayer book too. So apparently we were having the nicest conversation ever about religion and this prayer book, I was like hey it may be late I asked her too sleep, but she kept asking where I lived to send things I was like I don’t need anything I’ll send you something I’ll send you a bible or something, she kept insisting, I then gave her my address but out of nowhere after 30 minutes cops around 7 of them showed up in my doorsteps I was like dude? But I couldn’t send a thing to my girlfriend? They didn’t arrest or anything we spoke they told me if I was suicidal I was like no, maybe a little, they said what type of medication i take, and they didn’t even tell me to quit talking to her.. lol what happened here? should I speak to her in the future about anything or should I leave her for like ever? God that was scary, I thought she told them a lie or something?? Lmao 

回答 (4)

2019-11-30 11:25 pm
I see your problem michael.

You gave the crazy b*tch your address.

NEVER give crazy b*tches your address.
2019-11-30 11:34 pm
If you had told her you were thinking of killing yourself, then she was right to call the police!   Far better than the risk of finding out you had killed yourself! 
Pray to GOD about all of this! 
With GOD comes real LOVE!  It is Atheists and fake god believers that are usually killing themselves! Without GOD they do not have any LOVE also! 
2019-12-01 9:34 am
All trolls are narcissistic, psychopathic, bullying and cowardly LIARS who never contribute anything positive to humanity.
All they ever do is suck the life from everything.
2019-12-01 3:48 am
Yes you are Lmao.

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