what about the good people out there huh? you are just gonna hate them too because they are men?

2019-11-30 3:14 am
seriously what about the men firefighters, police and doctors who are out there saving lives you are just gonna hate them because they are men well thats stupid and you should feel terrible and awful for that. Not every single man out there is a bad person. Ill admit there are some but not every single man on this entire planet is bad. I mean look at me i havent done anything bad to women and dont plan on doing anything bad to women at all because i respect them and see them as equal. Also i dont find raping them even worth it because i would rather wait till i find the right girl for me then forcing one who isnt into me to have sex so see i am a good guy because i would never rape or beat or hit a girl and am waiting for the right girl who likes me back and wants to have sex with me. I would be ashamed honestly if i was you feminists who hate men because some of the men out there are actually good like me and havent done nothing but respect women and save lives so i would really reconsider if i was you

回答 (4)

2019-12-01 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should completely ignore any person saying that all men are bad, (violent, sexist or some other fault).  Just as I ignore the people I see talking about all women being bad, (manipulative, gold diggers, etc). There are good and bad men and good and bad women.  Don’t give it any more thought than that. Well I certainly don’t. 
2019-11-30 3:47 am
"what about the good people out there huh? you are just gonna hate them too because they are men?"

Well ... if you're talking about modern day prominent feminists and those that follow today's corrupted feminist ideology (as opposed to the Classic feminism of equal Rights that no longer exists as a movement), then the answer is Yes.

Those feminists are going to hate on the good men just as well as the bad men because as we so often see, these misandrist feminists collectively blame ALL MEN for the bad actions of any male individual.  This is just the way all bigoted hate groups operate unfortunately.

Note that this answer is NOT referencing women.  It is strictly speaking about those people that identify as feminist, and follow today's feminist principles, which accepts all kinds of unchallenged misandry into it's movement as "feminism"
2019-11-30 5:10 am
Um, no sane person has ever said that all men are bad.
2019-11-30 3:44 am
Boy, you're a little hot under the collar.  I don't usually come to this site, so I must have missed out on some dialogue.  I don't hate men.  Have you found only women who don't like you?  Maybe they like to "vent" and they do it on this site.  But I guarantee you The world is filled with women who love men, and I'm one of them. :)

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