What a joke of the British Royal heirs marriage?When will the real news of them be?

2019-11-28 11:14 pm

回答 (5)

2019-11-28 11:24 pm
What are you on about do you know because I doubt if anyone else does.
2019-11-28 11:27 pm
Your post makes no sense. It is more of a rant than an question as well.
2019-11-30 6:14 pm
If you are trying to crack a joke you are not making a very good job of it.
2019-11-28 11:37 pm
Yes indeed. The current marriage of Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, is truly a joke. He was married in a guildhall to his 2nd wife Mrs. Andrew Parker Bowles after his long extramarital affair with her. 
2019-11-29 3:58 am
I agree that Charles and Princess Camilla have an unconventional relationship that doesn't involve living together or spending much time together. TBH, if I were married to either of them I would probably run the marriage in a similar way.

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