How can you make money without anyone’s help?

2019-11-24 12:37 pm
I’m 19 and a few months back I had to leave my family due to come complicated circumstances. I had to leave and there is no chance of me returning so now I have to find a way to start my own life. I stay on my friends couch now and I don’t have anything. I came from poor/neglectful parents so I never got a car or a chance to even earn my own money because I lived in the country and now I live in a small town. There are no jobs within walking distance and all of my friends are in college or living off with their parents with no job either so I can’t ride to work with anyone. How can I make enough money to get a car is my question. That’s all I need to get a full time job and start making a good income but I can’t get a car without a job and I can’t get a job without a car. It’s a vicious loophole that’s ruining my life to the point where I’ve become severely depressed and even tried to kill myself in July. I don’t want to live like this anymore but I’m lost. I know I’m capable of doing a lot of things because I was a very bright kid in school and everyone always tells me how intelligent I am. I know I belong in college but when you’re poor that’s not much of an options so my childhood dreams of becoming a wildlife biologist are all but impossible. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 

回答 (2)

2019-11-27 5:47 pm
Write a book upload to website and cash in ok?


Very Best Wishes


Source:) Personal views cited
2019-11-24 9:49 pm
You can ask colleges. They often have some kind of assistance they can provide to people in your situation. Ask 50 colleges, if you're serious. Email, phone, and FOLLOW UP with them. One of them is likely to have their "David K. Fish Scholarship" program or something. Often they have work you can take on as well to generate money to live.
2019-11-24 12:42 pm
Run your own business.

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