Was I to blame for my ex-partner abuse? 10 points?

2019-11-24 1:53 am
It was a long distance relationship. For about 4 months, it was pretty intense as we used to talk everyday , video call and we did meet also. I spent an evening at his house 4 weeks ago. I was due to meet him this weekend but my family weren’t happy about me attending the train alone for 2-3 hours. I planned it with him but I said no to him. We keep arguing a lot and he seems to bring up my family in a horrible way. He’s called my mother a sket and my great grandmother who passed away a sket too and I’ve had some horrible threats He says it’s my fault for making him angry and I’m to blame. I know I can be irritating but surely I don’t deserve that amount of abuse. He said I’m a low class slag for lying to him about meeting him, he said I booked us tickets and all the money my days off work and apparently I’m a liar but I respect my family plus I’m not well , plus I have anxiety about the train. He can’t come here yet cos he’s on a tag.

回答 (4)

2019-11-24 2:03 am
No you were not to blame for any of that.  He should've respected your wishes and understood.  He seems to be angry for something so small.  He insulted you and your family for no reason.  Your family and you have concerns about the train ride that is acceptable.  You went to his house once so why would you lie about trying to go again?  He seems very controlling and if you were to get involved anymore in this relationship you might be setting yourself up for further abuse down the line.  If he gets that angry over the fact your plans got changed imagine what would happen if you moved in with him and you made plans and they got ruined or changed???  I would be very worried and concerned about investing anymore time into this relationship.  He is your ex now so you are better off leaving it that way and find someone who can understand and who will respect you not dishonor you
2019-11-24 1:59 am
You are not to blame and he is bad news. Let this sorry guy go. You know you deserve better.
2019-11-24 1:58 am
< He says it’s my fault for making him angry >

That's just stupid.  You don't make him feel or react in a certain way, that's purely up to him.
< He said I’m a low class slag >
I'd be out of there permanently if someone said that to me.
2019-11-26 2:52 am
If you have all this "anxiety" about the train you probably should have predicted that you wouldn't be able to make this journey. But that doesn't excuse all the name calling and verbal abuse. This guy has anger management problems and you're a fool if you don't drop him right now.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:46:16
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