Network Credentials?

2019-11-23 1:57 pm
where do i find the username password?

I used my computer
username(name of pc)
(when you lock windows, there is a window that asks for a password before you can access the pc)

where do i find this?

i am connected to a network and trying to access another pc, but there is a popup stating that i need to input username and password

回答 (2)

2019-11-23 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
So, this is a security measure that was set in place by an administrator. Your admin should have the login credentials needed to Remote Desktop or to access files from a private device. If you are the admin and you do not have these credentials, you’re not going to have much luck backdooring your way into said PC. Especially if you’re turning to yahoo answers with this kind of a question. Not insulting your intelligence or anything, but you’d have to know somethings about hacking in order to get around security protocols.
2019-11-23 2:18 pm
This is what you should have included in your other question.

You will need to have a valid username and password in order to access that PC's shared files/folders. In other words, you must know the username and password of a user on the remote PC that has permission to view those files.

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