what do women think of Male feminists?

2019-11-21 3:04 am
I'm Male, straight  and believe in equal rights but I'm not a feminist. I know there are guys out there who identify as feminists but I always thought of them as worms, but that's a man's perspective. what do women think of Male feminists?

回答 (11)

2019-11-21 3:34 am
"what do women think of Male feminists?"

I think most women, like most men, look for someone that compliments them when it comes to relationships that are not just platonic friendships.

So, if most women found male feminists sexy, and showed them that affection through sex, then there would be a lot of feminist men. INSTEAD, most women, especially those of higher calibre on the subjective pretty scale, seem to swarm towards alpha males that are not the least bit feminist. Perhaps a lot of beta feminist women like to promote the idea that male feminists are "sexy". But they certainly don't have any pull as far as influence goes on real men. .
2019-11-21 6:19 am
Depends on how radical they are
2019-11-21 5:04 am
Knowing your own mind is what counts. Whether you’re a feminist or not isn’t going to upset any women as long as you’re not thrusting your views down other people’s throats. 

It will be interesting to see if the Best Answer chosen is from a woman - as far as we can tell- or not.
2019-11-21 5:09 am
What you said. I don't think men can be feminists, they can just be allies.
2019-11-21 3:22 am
Sounds like you're a feminist though. 

Anyway, men that call themselves feminists are usually self defeating morons. The men that are a bigger risk however are men like you that hide their feminism and yet still act on it. 

It is however entertaining to watch female feminists hate on guys like Trump all while not realizing that he is a feminist just like them. 

Anyway, the funny thing is western women and women in some parts of Asia want men to believe in feminism and yet don't really like men that call themselves male feminists. Even women that call themselves feminists don't like men that call themselves feminists.
2019-11-22 10:23 pm
Feminists appreciate the support of male feminists but don’t really respect them.  Nobody respects a traitor.   
2019-11-21 10:18 am
Same with whites against racism. These are universal issues of equality. there were many men who helped the first women become whatever.
2019-11-26 11:56 am
TBH when a man identifies as a "feminist" I always assume it's just a ploy to get laid after the Women's March.
2019-11-22 12:54 pm
Women who are feminists love having men in the trenches. But those of us with open eyes know why they align themselves with feminism. They want the pudding
2019-11-21 4:35 pm
When a male calls himself a feminist, you can pretty much set the timer on the allegations of sexual assault against women. Just a small selection:

Multiple sexual harassment allegations against Sam Kriss, former VICE journalist, and outspoken feminist and socialist anti-capitalist https://dailycaller.com/2017/10/18/vice-journalist-commits-career-suicide-following-sexual-harassment-and-aggression-allegations/

Male feminist movie blogger Andy Signore messages women that he masturbates to their pinups, and fondles interns with his personal dildo https://www.newslogue.com/debate/731/BaileyT.Steen

Far-left feminist Michael Hafford accused on multiple rape counts https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/male-feminist-writer-broadly-facing-multiple-rape-allegations-potential-jail-time/

Numerous women accuse progressive feminist performer Jamie Kilstein of emotional abuse and inappropriate advances https://jezebel.com/progressive-performer-jamie-kilstein-ousted-from-citize-1792945836
2019-11-21 3:29 am
I think they can sense when men are only in it to white knight for attention from women.  It's a desperate strategy that I doubt works.  

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