Is there any other way to check a person's prostate besides the old digital (Finger up the wazoo)? ?

2019-11-21 2:19 am
It seems that if doctors, (urologists, primary care, gastroenterologists, oncologists, proctologists, etc etc) find out that you have been treated for prostate cancer, they want you to bend over and submit. They also get about $100 per inch that they indulge up your posterior. Is there another way with dignity? Even more, l is it really necessary these days or is it just a quick two or three hundred bucks? Preservation of dignity.

回答 (15)

2019-11-21 8:09 am
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in Asia none of the doctors do this wazoo
thing up the @@s
an ultrasound of the lower abdomen is
done along with the blood PSA test
2019-11-21 4:10 am
LMAO. And people wonder why stubborn men die of prostate cancer, when they harbour ludicrous beliefs like this.
2019-11-21 2:58 am
Our Doctors in the U.K. don't charge for  this examination, so it's nothing to do with money, it is safer than X-rays. My friend had the test and it turned out to be cancer.
2019-11-22 9:09 pm
The PSA blood test is the other way.
2019-11-22 8:52 am
Yes, blood tests, ultrasound scans, biopsies. But, never, ever, get tests done unless you do have other symptoms. Doctors are mainly interested in your money. They will do all sorts of damaging things to you to get it.
參考: been there, done that. voice of experience.
2019-11-21 3:42 am
They could use some variation of a 'Cytoscope' which is a small tube with a camera and lights - but honestly, if you have been treated for prostate cancer before, what's a finger up your butt in comparison to getting a clean bill of health?
2019-11-21 4:59 am
There is a blood test available, but it isn't as accurate as the old "Finger up the wazoo".
Have the blood test done, if it comes back positive... it would be in your best interest to have your wazoo fingered, just to be sure.
You don't want to die a horrible death just to avoid a few seconds of discomfort... do you?
2020-01-21 8:41 am
I guess the best answer is in many of those given here. I have had all the tests and understand each one. My cancer was treated with radiation. So if there is still part of it there or it is all burned out, they do the digital test to see if there is anything growing there that could be another problem. So far after about 10 years there hasn't been any high PSA readings or bumps or lumps from the digital (finger) tests. The PSA test is what caused all of the red flags to wave last time. Nothing was felt from the digital. I get a PSA blood test every 6 months and it seems to me that the finger up the as* doesn't need to be done accept if the score on the PSA test is high. If it needs to be done, then I guess it needs to be done. Obviously the PSA blood test isn't reliable enough to pinpoint the problem because you can ride a bicycle and your PSA score can test high. Or you can have sex and the score may read high. Also a urine infection. But the finger up the as* is just something that I would have thought would be replaced by now with something else a little more dignified. In other words, I can't help but have an attitude about this after 10 years of "Drop your shorts and bent over". Of coarse the doctors ask, "Do you think that I like doing this"? Then I tell them, "At least you get compensated for it. I don't even get a dinner out of it". It just puts me in a bad mood and I want another alternative to it. 
2020-01-16 3:49 pm
Blood sample to the lab:  PSA, or prostate specific antigen, is a protein produced by the prostate and found mostly in semen, with very small amounts released into the bloodstream. When there's a problem with the prostate—such as the development and growth of prostate cancer—more PSA is released.

2019-12-04 1:25 pm
I haven't had a prostate exam...yet. But the time is getting closer. I've had a couple root canals and several crowns. I wish I could choose. I'd go for a guy sticking his fingers up my butt. My dad had prostate cancer. So I'm going to have to regularly get an exam or test done eventually.
2019-11-23 1:35 am
Free in Canada.
2019-11-21 8:25 pm
dr found a pea sized bump on mine with his hand, getting treatment now
2019-11-21 2:53 am
yes.  Doctors in Ghana take an X-ray.  It  costs 12 usd
2019-11-21 2:51 am
Yes, you csn have it checked by ultrasound. It takes longer to do, and since it is not a Usual and Customary procedure, insurance doesn't pay for it. Ballpark $1,000 if done at a hospital, less if at an outside clinic.
2019-11-23 11:08 pm
Doctors are the best people to check your prostate because they know what they're looking for. Make sure you get to the doctor dude- really. I'd also recommend you give yourself testicular cancer checks monthly too, while in the shower. While you're at it, you should think about buying a bottle of Man1 Man Oil. It's given me back my confidence in the bedroom, keeps me smelling fresh and great down there, and makes me super soft.  I like the preservation of dignity part of your post btw. Ha. 

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