So would you not consider me a real liberal if I disagree with certain things?

2019-11-20 8:09 am
First off a little bit about me: I am a person. of color,  I'm straight, I'm college educated (community college but i am planning on going back to get a 4 year one for a career), I'm not homophobic. I am an agnostic but don't have a problem with anybody whose an atheist or religious. I've been noticing things that if I speak up about them I get called a race traitor,  homophobe or a sexist. I believe in equality but i don't believe in treating people special just because their LGBT,  women or minorities.  i know racism exists but i know racism towards white exists too, I know the right has used shady tactics when it comes to politics but our side is far from squeaky clean. so am I not a real liberal in your opinion?

回答 (2)

2019-11-20 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
The modern liberal is more like a hardcore radicalist who wants everything to change, I think you’re a real liberal and they’re not but yeah of course they’d disagree. 
2019-11-20 12:10 pm
Unless you want to dine at the Liberal Club tonight, it really doesn't matter whether you are a "real liberal" or a "liberal" or an "anything".  So why worry about it?  Do you pay attention to people who call you a "race traitor"?  I personally don't, and I recommend that you don't, either.  Likewise "homophobe" or "racist" or "nazi" or "commie" or "pervert" or "white-knight beta" or "chauvinist pig".  You know what your opinions are.  Why do you need to be able to sum them up with the term "liberal" or "conservative"?  To hell with that.

Most people are idiots when it comes to their social and political ideas.  So why worry about how you seem to THEM?  It's like they tell 13 year-olds who don't know if they are heterosexual or homosexual:  Forget about picking a label for yourself, as if you were joining some club.  Just work on being what you are, and never mind what it's called.

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