optimization calculus?

2019-11-19 7:56 am
A rectangular piece of land needs to be fenced with 2 kinds of fencing. 2 opposite sides need heavy duty fencing ($3 a foot) and the remaining 2 sides will use standard fencing ($2 a foot). The area of the land is 150,000 sqr feet. What is the dimensions of the rectangle that could be built for the cheapest cost?

回答 (1)

2019-11-19 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let x & y be the dimensions. Hence the area is xy = 150,000 thus y = 150000/x.

Now, whats the price of the fencing? Since that's highschool math, I let you answer this.
Then we will proceed. 

Yes, what you described is the procedure. But I don't have a clue on what you meant by "y is regular". 

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 22:59:53
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