how do women feel about feminism?

2019-11-19 5:23 am
I wanna start off by saying that I am a straight man of color who is a liberal. I believe in equal rights but I don't identify as a feminist. I just wanna know how do women feel about the current state of feminism? I'm not trying to start **** or trigger anybody I'm just curious

回答 (7)

2019-11-19 9:08 am
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IMHO it's gone from an attempt to get fairer treatment for families (via maternity/family leave, the destigmatization of parenthood in the workplace and the like) to a somewhat elitist enterprise that relies heavily on the victimization of women in the entertainment industry. I happen to be a woman in that industry and, yes, we've all been harassed. But Lena Dunham style feminism doesn't address the real panoply of victims. For every seven figure Fox anchor who had her career threatened there are thousands of lowly paid hotel maids suffering actual assault at the hands of their employers. But Alyssa Milano isn't going to talk about that.
2019-11-19 5:30 am
I'm for women having equal rights as to men and completely support gender equality.

I just dont like misandrists. Like cakepop, alternative asker and guardian.
2019-11-19 5:47 am
I used to be a feminist, but feminism today is a hate movement and I want nothing to do with it.   
2019-11-19 8:53 am
The supposed "freedom" that women have gained has done nothing but allow them to be exploited not only as a new source of mindless cheap labor but as sexual objects. Feminism has robbed women of their most fulfilling natural purpose, that of having children and raising them, while degrading their natural modest beauty by the promotion of sexual freedom. This is one of many symptoms of a larger disease plaguing western society that must be eradicated if our societies will ever be of any long-lasting worth.
2019-11-19 5:47 pm
The only feminism that's real is radical feminism. Third wavers are a patriarchy-appeasing sh!tshow who teach girls being a prostitute is good for them and letting their boyfriends beat them during sex is cool. Something has gone seriously wrong. They've been corrupted by lust for money (the beauty industry and the sex trade, for whom they're essentially lobbyists). And don't even get me started on the trans activists. That ideology is fundamentally anti-feminist and anti-homosexuality. It's harming the next generation of girls and gays.
2019-11-19 5:33 am
whether you consider yourself a feminist or not, if you believe in equality among the sexes, you are indeed a feminist.
that's like saying "despite having human DNA, I don't consider myself a human".
however, i do understand what you mean. "feminist" has gotten a bad rep, because the only ones they show on the news are the nut job radical man-haters, who actually are NOT feminists, but are misandrists. ALL ACTUAL FEMINISTS DO NOT HATE MEN, but are rather seeking equality between the sexes, and equal treatment, NOT BETTER TREATMENT FOR WOMEN THAN MEN.
this is the misunderstanding that keeps more men from identifying...
2020-07-13 11:03 pm
no you are not a man of colour you are a black man, colour is primary in first essence such as red, blue and yellow ... get it right you are neither red, blue nor yellow, black hue is a negative end of the spectrum just like white is at the oposite end, it is not a spectral colour, so if you are not a white man then you are a black man. Do not make yourself out to be something that you are not... that is the problem with the blacks and particularly the cultural marxist ones pretending to be nice clean liberal minded ones.

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