
2019-11-18 11:15 am

回答 (3)

2019-11-19 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
作文高唔高分都要睇好多野,可能係內容唔好,又或者係技巧結構差。一係你試下比佢係出面學?我大仔係jolly kingdom學左一排,最近呢幾次作文都拎到高分,我覺得你小朋友都可以試下。
2019-11-19 5:22 am
Unable to answer due to lack of information.

Specifically, your son's teacher should be able to identify the problem areas.

Without focusing on the problem areas, any improvements are meaningless.

You should consult with your son's teacher instead.
2019-11-18 11:39 am
可以試下從vocab着手,有多D生字對作文有正面幫助。睇課外書可以係辦法。我而家F4,成績唔算好,我Focus落D深字,例如作文唔次次用 "said" ,根據情境、語氣用多D "Blurted out", "Murmured" 呢類字;唔次次用 "run",用多D "sprinted", "bolted" (高中字) ,仲有更多例子。由少量着手,唔需要一次過塞滿D生字,試下先啦,再唔得可以再問,始終呢個方法唔係個個都work.

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