Me and my boyfriend are arguing over silly stuff? 10 points?

2019-11-18 7:24 am
I’ve been with him for 4-5 months. It hasn’t been easy at all and the distance doesn’t help at times. We are 3 hours away from each other, we seem to argue every other day about minor things, I’ll make a comment and he will get angry over it. Take today for example, he had a headache, we were just talking and he was driving... he was like I can’t hear u , u have a very dim voice. I was like okay we’ll talk when ur home, then I started getting annoyed with his tone of voice. I said don’t take ur headache out on me.. he started swearing saying oh it’s over blah blah blah. I kept ringing him back and he just got more angry. I am supposed to see him this weekend I’m going on the train for the first time in my life. He was like big wow ur doing all that, he’s so arrogant sometimes. I mentioned the taxi to his house being quite expensive and he said he would pay for it... now when I said I would book it he said oh don’t you have any money to pay for it, I’m a student, I thought he would at least pay 30 quid for my taxi , he said I’m paying everything for us here food, etc. He said he’s doing so much for me right now that I don’t realise

回答 (3)

2019-11-24 11:28 pm
Sometimes we try to force things that simply weren't meant to be and this sounds like one of those times. If you're only five months in and you're already at each other's throats it doesn't bode well for the future.
2019-11-18 9:04 am
Money is stressful so it's something a couple tends to argue over.  You just need to learn to argue well.  It's more about listening that reacting.  It's something you both can learn to do.
2019-11-18 7:28 am
Don't argue over silly stuff

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