Why is easy to be hired by walmart?

2019-11-14 9:21 am
target no news after interview, but walmart accept me quickly

the manager does not look at the resume

few questions, your weak point?

but very easy to enter a small test on the internet

回答 (4)

2019-11-14 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's because not many people will work for them at $8.00/hour so they are desperate to hire anyone 
2019-11-14 9:31 pm
You'll learn real soon why they hired you and you'll be looking for a new job.
2019-11-14 9:35 am
Cause holiday season is starting and they need time to train people for Black Friday. Don't flatter yourself just yet. You are likely just temporary and will be let go after holiday season is over. 
2019-11-14 9:24 am
Because they will hire anyone but they also fire easily.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:37:20
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