Are sexual reassignment surgeries a waste of medical resources? ?

2019-11-13 11:16 pm
some people decide to take sexual reassignment surgery even though there’s nothing wrong with their body. They just take the surgery because they don’t like being male/female. 

回答 (16)

2019-11-14 12:08 am
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"Are sexual reassignment surgeries a waste of medical resources"

If you are not transsexual, I would think so.

Of course, for those that are transsexual, it IS necessary.

"even though there’s nothing wrong with their body"

Well that's not true.
2019-11-14 11:02 am
"Some people decide to take sexual reassignment surgery even though there’s nothing wrong with their body." WHO GETS TO DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THEIR OWN BODY?

 "They just take the surgery because they don’t like being male/female."  YOUR STATEMENT HERE PROVES THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW A THING ABOUT THIS TOPIC.
2019-11-14 9:31 am
THese people go thru mental therapy and hormone therapy way before they go thru their surgeries. The doctors try to make sure that this transition is what they really want. And yes some people regret it afterwards; at the time they really believe that it is the eright thing for them.
2019-11-14 12:10 am
In some countries, medical resources are communally funded via taxes, but in all other countries surgeries and other medical treatments are dispensed via capitalism.  No medical treatment is performed unless it makes money for the doctors and the insurance companies that eventually come to control them. 

In such countries, NO medical procedure can be considered a waste of medical resources, whether it is setting a broken bone, cancer treatment for a child, the erasure of aging for a vain middle-aged woman, or sexual reassignment.  It is paid for, which means it is not a waste...just like if I buy a bag of crisps and immediately throw it out my car window, unopened.  Is that a waste?  No.  Because I paid for it, the capitalistic purpose for which that bag was created - to profit from all the effort and materials that went into making it - was already completely satisfied the moment I paid for it.  Whether I ate or enjoyed the crisps is immaterial.

So if people want surgery, and they can pay for it, it is not a waste of medical resources no matter what its purpose or outcome - under capitalism.  Under the NHS, for example, it's a different story.
2019-11-13 11:46 pm
If it makes them happy and nothing else does, what's the problem?
2019-11-14 1:05 pm
Have you not heard of the plastic surgery industry?
2019-11-14 4:51 am
Which is the exact same reason 999 in 1000 people undergo plastic surgery.
Every person I know who has done it had no reason other than because that is what they wanted with the exception of one who had breast reduction as her breast were causing complications. She now is and walking every day and even ented a marathon.
2019-11-14 7:14 am
There are many things that are a waste of medical resources, including more than 90% of all performed plastic surgeries. People sometimes decide to waste their money on futile things. There's not much we can do because it's their money after all. 

Transgenders exist because of gender roles, which also explain why women spend so much money on things that might improve their looks (in the eyes of men): plastic surgery, facial treatments, expensive clothing, make up, jewellery, etc. 
2019-11-14 12:26 am
I don't believe so.
2019-11-14 2:29 am
They need a lobotomy, the problem is that they have a broken brain not a broken body. They claim to have existed since the dawn of time, but cosmetic surgery is recent.

Ergo, YES cosmetic surgery is a waste of resources because no one needs it.
2019-11-14 1:24 am
There is something wrong with their bodies. Their internal environment has the wrong levels of sex hormones and their brain is physically organised differently than their birth gender assignment suggests (e.g. they're more likely to have Holmes-Adie pupils if they're XY than other XY people). Once they've transitioned, they are almost always more productive and more useful members of society, and have a higher income and therefore pay more tax. Gender reassignment pays for itself many times over.
2019-11-14 3:20 pm
Yes. Nobody can be born "wrong".
"Transsexual" is a nonsense word.
It's a mental illness and a form of retardation. 

These ppl dont need their genitals mutilated,  they need Jesus Christ!!!
2019-11-14 1:37 pm
Yes it is there are people with real problems yet you feel suicidal because you were born with a functioning penis and want a vagina or vice versa? Come on now 
2019-11-14 10:08 pm
Yes, of course they are. They are a big con. They don't change anyone's sex; they are just mutilation.
2019-11-14 8:29 pm
No, it's considered elective surgery like a lot of surgeries are, that is that it's not a medical emergency and it's a surgery that is planned in advance.
But, many trans people would be severely depressed if they can't have gender reassignment surgery. How would you like to transition and be half way through. Why start something and not finish. 
There might be coping mechanisms but it doesn't take away the pain of being half way through transition. 
2019-11-14 10:41 am
No clue where you heard that, but that would explain why there's so many trans people (especially younger ones) who are detransitioning. With being trans essentially becoming a fad, it seems like like more people are regretting their decision to get a sex change. Don't get me wrong, there's many people who are actually transgender and happy with their "new bodies" after the sex change, but transgender people only make up a small minority of the human population about 1.003% if you include intersex people. I'm sure many of them are kind. Anyway to actually answer your question, yes and no. If you actually have gender dysphoria and are actually transgender I'm sure it's worth it so you feel better. If you change your mind down the road, it's thousands if not millions of dollars down the drain not to mention permanent side effects like infertility and maybe breasts. Worst of all, some trans parents are pushing/forcing their kids to be trans too. Gender is a very complicated matter and should not be messed with especially at such a young age. Hate to say it, but might as well have trans babies. We already have these crazy SJW parents raising "theybies" what next?

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